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This Future Development Strategy (FDS) for Ngāmotu New Plymouth has been prepared by Taranaki Regional Council and New Plymouth District Council. Its purpose is to promote long term strategic planning by setting out how we intend to achieve well-functioning urban environments and how we will provide sufficient housing and business development capacity over the next 30 years. The FDS also assists in the integration of planning decisions with infrastructure planning and funding decisions.
The Government introduced the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (NPS-UD) in August 2020 (updated 2022). The NPS-UD outlines the requirements for what an FDS must show and be informed by. Both Taranaki Regional Council and the New Plymouth District Council have a statutory responsibility as Tier 2 local authorities to develop and implement an FDS for the New Plymouth District.
The submission period, hearing of submissions and deliberations of the FDS are completed. The Future Development Strategy for Ngāmotu New Plymouth 2024-2025 has now been formally adopted by the FDS Subcommittee and the final version can be found below.
The period for making a submission on the draft Future Development Strategy ran from Wednesday 6 March to Monday 8 April 2024 and is now closed.
To read the Draft version of the FDS and supporting documents that were released for consultation in March 2024, please go to the FDS Closed Consultation page here.
The Future Development Subcommittee heard submitters who wished to speak in support of their submission at a hearing that ran from Monday 22 April to Wednesday 24 April 2024.
A link to the full FDS meeting Agenda item can be found on our Council Meetings Page.
The Subcommittee considered the written and verbal submissions on Friday 10 May 2024. The Subcommittee have adopted the Ngāmotu New Plymouth Future Development Strategy. A copy of the Subcommittee’s minutes can be found here.
Both Councils are required to complete a HBCAs every three years. This mandated timeframe, offers a robust, thorough, and regularly updated foundation of evidence to guide and inform decisions related to development capacity, and planning for housing and business in the district.
Housing and Business Capacity Assessment 2024
The NPS-UD also requires us to regularly monitor and update the HBCA data. We monitor the data on a quarterly basis and publish an annual report that details. Every tier 1, 2, and 3 local authority must monitor, quarterly, the following in relation to each urban environment in their region or district:
The draft FDS builds upon the Proposed District Plan process. The development of the Proposed District Plan involved detailed analysis of New Plymouth’s urban environment and significant work to determine the suitability of areas of land for various urban uses.
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Page last updated: 04:44pm Wed 02 October 2024