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7:30pm 21 Feb 2025

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Enhanced access and increasing appreciation of the waterfront over the years has enabled the city centre to restore its relationship with the coast. The opportunity to heighten this relationship through the design of the built environment can reinforce the gains already made to pivot the city centre’s attention seaward. 

Towards the eastern end of the city centre’s coastal edge is 59 Molesworth Street, referred to as the ‘Bunnings site’ due to its current use. Combined with properties between it and the NPDC car park at 10 Molesworth Street, this could constitute Ngāmotu Coastal Precinct. The site is a rarity due to its location on the northern side of Molesworth Street and represents an elevated waters’ edge development opportunity to showcase its stunning outlook over the coastal walkway and towards Port Taranaki and Nga Mōtu (Sugar Loaf Islands). 

The Coastal Precinct could be developed as a ‘waterside front lawn’ of the city centre, comprising leisure uses, public space, residential living, retail and hospitality.

Public access and enjoyment along the northern edge of the Coastal Precinct, overlooking the Coastal Walkway is highly desirable. Where feasible, a connection between the Coastal Precinct and the walkway would unite the site directly with its stunning coastal aspect and provide another point of entry for the public. 

The Coastal Precinct could act as a catalyst for invigorating development interest elsewhere in the Eastern Neighbourhood Precinct, to its immediate south. The site can be developed up to 14m in height under the Proposed District Plan.  

Ngāmotu New Plymouth’s coastal area has significant cultural, heritage and social value. It was an area settled by Māori with various pā prior to Pākehā arrival. Landform change such as recontouring and reclamation have altered the original coastal landscape. Future changes and redevelopment within the Coastal Precinct should seek to understand these factors and use them as a source of design inspiration and cultural recognition to create Ngamōtu New Plymouth-specific outcomes. Great architecture befitting of this prime location is expected.

Impact compass

coastal precinct

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Working together

  • Ngāti Te Whiti
  • Taranaki Regional Council
  • Waka Kotahi
  • KiwiRail

Next steps

Step 1

Prepare the Integrated Transport Plan including future state and timing of changes to SH44 (to a local street), potential bus station at Gill Street and future of heavy rail and potential station.  

Step 3

Prepare the Eastern Neighbourhood Framework Plan, which can also include the coastal precinct for holistic direction. 

Step 2

NPDC to work with landowners and tenants to establish aspirations, appetite for change and potential timings and delivery of projects. 

Step 4

Prepare and notify any necessary plan changes to the Operative District Plan to enable and support development aspirations for the Coastal Precinct.