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Freedom Camping Bylaw 2017 review

The New Plymouth District Freedom Camping Bylaw 2017 is due for review. It must be reviewed by 6 December 2024 or it will be revoked, meaning there will be no Freedom Camping Bylaw.

Status: Closed

Feedback closed: 5pm on Friday 13 September 2024


The review of the bylaw has been informed by NPDC data:

  • complaints received about freedom camping,
  • infringements,
  • monitoring data at sites across the district,
  • information from the Freedom Camping Ambassador, and
  • Campermate App data on four sites across the district.

The review also incorporates changes from the new Self-Contained Motor Vehicles Legislation Act 2023 (MVLA), which came into effect in June 2023. The MVLA amended the Freedom Camping Act and councils’ freedom camping bylaws must be updated to ensure they are consistent with the amended Freedom Camping Act.

The proposed changes to the NPDC Freedom Camping Bylaw are outlined below:

  • Updating the Bylaw to ensure it aligns with the new MVLA
    • Updating the definition of self-contained motor vehicle.
    • Adding non-self contained motor vehicle definition.
    • Adding key definitions found within the FCA by reference, for:
      • Certificate of self-containment
      • Motor vehicle
      • Self-contained
      • Transitional period.
    • Adding a section on ‘where freedom camping is permitted’, including an explicit statement regarding where non-self-contained vehicles are permitted.
  • Non self-contained vehicles
    • Under the current Freedom Camping Bylaw, NSC vehicle freedom campers are permitted at Battiscombe Terrace (in six spaces) and Lake Rotomanu (in four spaces). It is proposed to retain these areas for NSC vehicles, but to add an additional two spaces at Lake Rotomanu. This would result in 12 spaces in total for NSC vehicle freedom campers in New Plymouth District. It is also proposed to update the Bylaw so that the NSC spaces are only to be used by NSC vehicle freedom campers – that is, self-contained campers will not be permitted to use these spaces, as they have the rest of the district (excluding prohibited areas) to utilise. In addition, it is proposed to update the terminology to ensure that it is consistent with the amended FCA.
  • New areas to be prohibited
    • It is proposed to prohibit freedom camping in the areas below. Consulting on these areas will give Council the ability, following analysis of submissions, to either retain the status quo or to prohibit all freedom camping in these areas:
      • Weld Road - Proposed to prohibit freedom camping in this area to align the rules with NPDC’s Coastal Reserve Management Plan and to protect access to the area, which has limited parking space in an area that is valued by the local community for recreational purposes.
      • Ahu Ahu Road - Proposed to prohibit freedom camping in this area to align the rules with NPDC’s Coastal Reserve Management Plan and to protect access to the area, which has limited parking space in an area that is valued by the local community for recreational purposes.
      • Greenwood Road - Proposed to prohibit freedom camping in this area to align the rules with NPDC’s Coastal Reserve Management Plan and to protect the environmentally sensitive area with no public amenities from the impacts of freedom campers.
      • Fort St George/Tataraimaka Pā - Proposed to prohibit freedom camping in this area to protect it from the impacts of freedom camping, and to protect public health and safety in relation to the uneven and sandy accessway. In addition, this area is adjacent to Tataraimaka Pā, a site of cultural significance. The area is environmentally sensitive with no public amenities.
      • Motukari Reserve Carpark – Proposed to prohibit freedom camping to protect access to the area, which has very limited parking space that is valued by the local community.
      • Rapanui Reserve – Proposed to prohibit freedom camping to protect the area from its impacts – Rapanui Reserve is recognised as a coastal significant area and has key native ecosystems.

Read the full Statement of Proposal.