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Draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan

The proposals in NPDC’s draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan (WMMP) are based on feedback from workshops and a public survey last year.

Consultation status: Closed
Feedback closes: Tuesday 12 September 2023

For the last six years, NPDC has developed the foundation for working towards becoming a Zero Waste region. Our achievements include:

For the next six years, we propose focusing on developing our region as a circular economy – one that reuses materials rather than relies on new materials that eventually end up in the landfill – and empowering communities to develop solutions around recycling and reuse.

Some of the actions proposed are:

  • Bringing in a green waste kerbside collection.
  • Tackling illegal dumping by offering alternative disposal or recycling options for commonly dumped materials, and a bookable pick-up service for bulky waste items.
  • Establishing a mobile waste and recycling transfer station for rural communities.
  • Establishing a regional organic processing facility in Taranaki.
  • Upgrading transfer stations.
  • Expansion of education programmes.
  • Increasing local recycling/reuse infrastructure.

NPDC also wants to empower local residents, businesses and organisations to develop their own reuse and recycling solutions through greater accessibility, good information and making connections within the community.

Read more about our proposals in the draft Waste Management and Minimisation Plan below.

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