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NPDC is here to help you on your waste reduction journey, saving you time and money and reducing your carbon footprint along the way.

Reducing and better managing waste is a key part of doing business. By designing out waste and setting up good waste separation systems you can achieve a range of benefits for your business, including reducing costs and enhancing your brand, to being able to compete for and retain engaged employees. Finding practical solutions to help the commercial sector is a key focus for us in working towards our Zero Waste goal.

If you’re part of a business, organisation, not-for-profit, club, marae or church, we can help you reduce waste. We will find the right person in our team to contact you and find out how we can support your waste reduction needs.

To find out how we can help your business get in touch with us at, phone 06 759 6060



Procurement Guide

In a business one of our biggest levers of influence in reducing waste is procurement – the types of goods and services purchased right across our organisation. This introductory guide sets out some options for how waste and sustainability considerations can be incorporated into procurement and the requests we make of our suppliers, right from avoiding unnecessary purchasing through to end of life disposal.

Download the guide


Downloadable waste signs for businesses

It is important to have clear signage at your bin station showing what can be diverted, you can use these signs or custom make signs that show what materials are specific to your workplace, you can also request signs from your waste management provider. For a full list of posters please visit the Zero Waste Taranaki website and refer to the Downloadable Resources.


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