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Online payments unavailable

7:30pm 21 Feb 2025

Online payments via our website are unavailable until further notice due to a system error. You can still pay by using internet banking.  We apologies for any inconvenience caused. See more on ways to pay

Ngā huihuinga a te hapori me te kohi pūtea

Community events and fundraising

If you are preparing, selling or serving food at a community event or for fundraising the food must be prepared safely and be suitable to eat.

Most people preparing and selling food at community events do not need to register with NPDC but we recommend using the My Food Rules tool on the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) website to make sure you do follow any necessary rules or requirements. 

Even if you do not need to register it is still very important that all food is suitably prepared and safe to eat. MPI manages food safety requirements and have fact sheets on their website that will help you follow safe food practices.


Baking at a fair.

In general, you will not need to register if:

  •  you are selling food for fundraising less than 20 times a year, eg sausage sizzles, raffles and charity events
  • you are sharing food with others at sports clubs, social clubs or marae where food is not the purpose of the event; for example, providing nibbles at a bowling club games night or serving food at a tangi
  • you are selling food once in a calendar year at an event such as a local fair
  • you are a home-based childcare provider who prepares food for children in their care
  • you are a small accommodation operator who provides food for less than 10 guests
  • you are a grower selling unprocessed, home-grown fruit and vegetables directly to consumers, such as at farm gates or farmers markets
  • you sell only manufacturer pre-packaged foods that don't need refrigeration or freezing, like packets of biscuits or cans of food 
  • you are a commercial fishing operator providing meals to their crew
  • you are a clubs organisation or societies where members produce food for other members at events or gatherings held and attended by members and where the trade in food is not the purpose of the event.