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Flying drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) is regulated by the Civil Aviation Authority.
Read through the the Civil Aviation Authority's rules before flying your drone so you understand where you can and can't fly, and if you need permission from owners.
Within the New Plymouth District there are three aerodromes at New Plymouth Airport, Taranaki Base Hospital, and Norfolk; and an extensive controlled airspace exists over the wider New Plymouth area extending from around Omata to Urenui. You can find out about controlled airspace and aerodrome maps at AirShare and CAA - Drones.
If you are concerned about the flying of a drone please fill in the Report a drone safety concern on the CAA website.
You can fly your drone over private land as long as you have permission from the land owner. You do not need permission from NPDC to fly over private land.
We regulate the use of flying machines, including drones and UAV, over public places under Part 5 Public Places Bylaw 2017 (section 13). You must get our permission to fly over a road, park or reserve.
We consider requests on a case-by-case basis. You can request permission for specific areas, or general permission to fly over any park or reserve.
For general permission you will need to include an explanation that you understand the CAA rules and have appropriate health and safety practices in place.
Please provide:
Your request will be processed within seven days and, where approved, you'll be issued a letter stating the approval with any conditions.
Examples of conditions are:
To request approval you can email us or call 06 759 6060
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Page last updated: 02:03pm Wed 13 March 2024