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Taranaki Anniversary Day opening hours

Over the Taranaki Anniversary Day public holiday, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours. 

Find out more


Stay in the know, get Antenno

Notifications – to you, from us

Keeping up to date on what's going on in your community has never been easier.

Antenno sends notifications directly to your mobile device, removing the need for you to search for information or check multiple sources. And you're in control – you can choose which places and topics you receive notifications about, so we're not bothering you with updates that aren't relevant to you.

Google Play

App store symbol

You can have multiple 'places' saved – which could be your home, workplace, your parents' home, rental property, your kids' school, church, gym, or more.

You can expect to see notifications from us on a range of topics including rubbish and recycling reminders, road closures and water restrictions, events. If you're not interested in a topic anymore, simply turn off notifications.

Got whānau living or favourite spots in other parts of Taranaki? No problem our friends at Stratford and South Taranaki district councils are using Antenno too.


See how to download Antenno and set up your favourite places 

Report it – from you, to us

Seen some graffiti in your neighbourhood, a damaged footpath or pot hole that needs repairs or noticed a tree that's about to come down? Antenno can be used as an easy way for you to tell us directly about anything that needs fixing in your community, or about any other Council-related issues.

Simply open the app, select 'Report it' and follow the on-screen prompts. No need to remember how to contact Council or figure out which part to contact. Just hit send and our Contact Centre team will take care of the rest.

You can even have the option to provide us with photos if you want to.

We will manage reports from Antenno during business hours of between 8am and 5pm weekdays, excluding public holidays. Once you have made a report it is listed under the ‘your reports’ section of the app. If our team needs any further information, they will get in contact so remember to include your details.

For any urgent matters please phone us on 06 759 6060 so we can respond immediately.


How to report a problem with Antenno 

Frequently Asked Questions