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Te whakaroa i te ara ki tahatai Mai i Mangati ki Otupaiia, i Whaitara

Te Pae o te Rangi - Coastal pathway extension

Kua waihangatia e ngā rōpū whaipānga ki te kaupapa nei, arā, ko ngā hapū o Manukorihi rātou ko Otaraua, ko Pukerangiora, ko Puketapu, ko Te Kaunihera ā-Rohe o Ngāmotu, tētehi ara tiritiri e whakaroa ana i te ara ki tahatai, mai i Mangati ki Otupaiia i Whaitara. Ka āhua 23 kiromita te roa o tēnei ara ki tahatai.

Project partners Manukorihi Hapū, Otaraua Hapū, Pukerangiora Hapū, Puketapu Hapū, and NPDC have designed a 9.7km shared pathway extension to the Coastal Walkway, from Otupaiia/Marine Park in Waitara to Mangati/Bell Block. This will make the entire coastal path almost 23km long.

Te Mahi Whakaroa

Ka tae atu ki te pari o te whenua mai i te taha moana ka kite i Te Pae o te Rangi. Nā ngā hapū o Puketapu, o Pukerangiora, o Manukōrihi, o Otaraua tēnei ingoa i tapaina. Ka whakahono a Te Pae o te Rangi i te whenua ki te wai, ka whakatakoto hoki tētehi wāhi mauri tau kia hoki atu te iwi ki te taiao.

Kātahi anō a NPDC ka whakatutuki i te wāhanga o te ara ki tahatai, mai i te tiriti o Ellesmere ki te moana o, i te tau 2014. I te tau 2017, i tohua mai e tētehi rangahau tatauranga, 86% o te hunga i whakaae kia whakaroangia te ara ki Whaitara.

Ā te wā ka whakatutukingia te ara ki te tahatai, hei te tau 2027, ka haumaru ake, ka pai ake te āhua o te ara tiritiri 22.9 kiromita te roa mai i Whaitara ki Ngāmotu. Ka whakapakari ake tēnei i te ora o ngā hapori mā te whakakipakipa i te kāwitiwiti me te kāwatawata o te ora.

Ka whai wheako te hunga hīkoi, te hunga oma me te hunga eke pahikara ki te tuku aroha ki tēnei takiwā. He ara whakaako i te hunga ki ngā kōrero mō te ahurea, mō ngā tikanga tuku iho, te hītōria me te wairua o te papawhenua e tōhipahipa ai te hunga.

Ka hua mai he wāhi whakangā, he taumata tirohanga i te roanga o te ara, ā, ka ākina te tū, te whakangā me te rāhiri anō i ngā tohu katoa o taiao – mai uta ki tai.

Ka hangaia ia wāhanga o te ara, ā, ka huakina ia wāhanga i te tōna tutukihanga.

The project 

When approaching the Taranaki coastline from the ocean you are met with Te Pae o te Rangi (the ledge of the heavens). This name is given by the kāhui hapū (Puketapu, Pukerangiora, Manukorihi and Otaraua). Te Pae o te Rangi connects our land to the water and provides a space for our people to rejoin our environment.

NPDC completed the most recent section of the Coastal Walkway, from Ellesmere Avenue to Bell Block Beach, in 2014. In 2017, a survey showed 86% public support for extending the shared pathway to Waitara. 

When the extension is completed in 2027, we’ll have a safe and attractive 22.9km off-road shared path from Waitara to Ngāmotu. The wellbeing of our communities will be greatly enhanced as the path will encourage a healthy and active lifestyle.

The path will be a great experience for walkers, runners and bike-riders while treating this area with care and respect. The project is an opportunity to educate path users on the significant cultural, traditional, historical and spiritual landscape the shared pathway passes through.

Numerous rest areas and viewpoints will feature along the path, with users encouraged to stop, rest and appreciate the views of the ocean, the coastline and the reefs.  

The pathway will be built in stages, with sections within each stage opened as they are completed.

Te pīoitanga | How we got here

E mahi tahi ana te tāngata whenua ki tō NPDC taha ki te whakawhanake i te waihanga o te ara.

Tangata whenua and NPDC have worked in partnership to develop the pathway’s design.

He kōrero anō | Find out more

Te whakapapa o te ara | Building in stages

Ka mahia ngā mahi i te roanga o te whā tau, mai i tōna tīmatanga hei te hikumutu o te tau 2023 ki tōna whakatutukitanga hei te tau 2027.

Construction will take place over four years, starting later in 2023 and finishing in 2027.

He kōrero anō | Find out more

Ngā hua | The highlights

Ka whai wheako motuhake i tō haerenga nā runga i ngā āhuatanga ka kitea.

The pathway will include a variety of features that will make the journey a unique experience.

He kōrero anō | Find out more

Te āhua o mua, me te āhua o muri: koinei te takiwā i waenga i te tahatai o Whaitara me te papa hōpuni, ā, kua tāngia te whakakitenga o te hanganga o te ara hōu, e tētehi ringatoi. Ka whakatakotoria te ara i te horapatanga o te whenua me ngā takiwā e tupu anō ai ngā tupu i tahatai.

Before and after: the area between Waitara Beach and the holiday park now, and an artist’s impression of the same area after the path is built. The pathway will be nestled within the landscape and coastal restoration planting.

Ngā pātai māhikohiko

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