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Strandon and the Devon Street East Corridor is an important part of New Plymouth with unique value. NPDC is reviewing residents’ safety and accessibility along and across Devon Street East between Baring Terrace and Fitzroy Village.
We had a conversation with Strandon residents, retailers schools and mobility advocates during two open days held on 18/19 May 2021 at the Knox Church, Fitzroy.
As a response to the engagement recommendations, various developments were identified to meet the needs of different users along and across this corridor, which are identified on the map here.
The next step will be to develop detailed designs and costings for the developments so they can be prioritised in the next Long-Term Plan. Further consultation will be undertaken with the Strandon and Fitzroy communities, Ngāti Te Whiti Hapū, schools and businesses as part of this process.
Key contact: Stuart Knarston.
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Page last updated: 10:12am Tue 18 July 2023