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Holiday period opening hours

Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours. 

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Connecting our Place

We’re working on a framework that will shape how we approach transport investment in the New Plymouth district for the next 30 years.

Thanks for your feedback, here's what is happening now.

  • Survey is now closed.
  • The IFT is being reviewed in line with the draft Government Policy Statement on Land Transport.  When this is complete, we will submit the revised draft ITF to Council for adoption.

    Please contact us if you wish to discuss your feedback. 

Our Draft Integrated Transport Framework (ITF) is a 30-year framework which will help guide transport decision making and investment in the district. It will also help us decide which initiatives and projects to prioritise and implement in the next 10 years.

In the coming decades our district will grow, face serious weather events, as well as see shifting demands and impacts on transport. How well our transport network responds to these changes will depend on the decisions we make now.

The Draft ITF will ensure that our transport strategy is working towards our most important goals and commitments including our vision to be a sustainable lifestyle capital.

Our Draft Integrated Transport Framework PDF 1MB

Shaping the future of our transport network

The Draft ITF seeks to highlight key drivers for change and identify the underlying challenges that we need to solve as a district.

To better understand these long-term challenges and opportunities relevant to our district, we’ve brought together information from multiple sources. We have analysed existing plans and data to identify overlapping priorities and themes, and we have engaged with key partners such as the Taranaki Regional Council, Waka Kotahi, and Iwi.

We also worked close with key stakeholders, such as local businesses and freight representatives, to understand their views and priorities.

Based on progress to date, we have identified five guiding principles relating to the development of our transport network. These principles capture common ground between multiple existing strategies (local, regional, and national), as well as what we have heard from the community through key stakeholder engagement.

Learn about how we can tackle our key challenges

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