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Regional Organic Materials Recovery (OMR) Facility

In July 2021, Taranaki’s three district councils (South Taranaki, Stratford and New Plymouth) decided to investigate the possibility of building and operating a regional Organic Materials Recovery Facility to divert potentially thousands of tonnes of waste from going to landfill from across the region. Status: Live

One of the key targets in our Waste Management and Minimisation Plans, as well as our emissions reduction targets, is reducing the amount of waste going to landfill, with a specific focus on organic waste (i.e., food waste, green waste) which can comprise up to 60% of the amount of domestic waste currently being unnecessarily thrown out and sent to landfill.

This nutrient-dense organic waste could be used for so much good, namely by recycling it to create fertilisers and compost, or even the creation of low-emissions renewable biofuels through anaerobic digestion processes.

Central Government is also introducing some initiatives over the next couple of years that mean a local facility that can process this type of waste safely and sustainably, with minimal emissions from the processing and transportation phases, will be needed by Taranaki’s three councils if we are to continue to provide an effective kerbside collection service for our residents.

From the beginning of this project, iwi and hapū have been key partners in exploring and considering how best to manage the recovery of organic materials across the region. A number of critical bottom lines from a te ao Māori viewpoint were developed from this engagement process, and these have been integrated into the assessment criteria used to develop options within the final feasibility report, and recommend next steps for further development of this project. The AATEA report linked below details the results of our iwi engagement work.

We have also engaged with industry stakeholders across the region who are producing significant quantities of organic materials that require management, and we will continue to partner with them on the next steps.

Where are we at now?

Since 2021 the three Taranaki district councils have been working together on the Taranaki Regional Organics Project with Silver Fern Farms, Fonterra and another private industry partner.

The project is looking at the feasibility of building and operating a regional Organic Material Recovery Facility which would divert residential and industrial organic waste from going to landfill.

After completing the feasibility study in 2022, a successful Expression of Interest (EOI) process was completed in 2023, resulting in a shortlist of companies selected to progress to the Request for Proposal (RFP) stage.

The RFP stage is nearing completion. A decision has been made by the project partners to conduct further detailed investigations with two companies who submitted proposals, with the aim of narrowing this down to one.

Where to from here?

If a preferred supplier is agreed upon and selected, 2025 will see major activity around governance and management structure, funding models and site selection.

Read more about it

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Interested in finding out more?

If you are interested in being kept up-to-date on the progress of this project, please email