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7:30pm 21 Feb 2025

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Purpose and background

The Ngāmotu New Plymouth City Centre Strategy sets the strategic direction for New Plymouth’s city centre over the next 30 years. It provides NPDC, Ngāti Te Whiti and the community with a ‘route map’ to revitalise the city centre.  The Strategy has been shaped by stakeholder and community engagement sessions during its preparation. 

The city centre covers 22 blocks, approximately 1.25 between Fulford/Lemon streets to the south and the coast to the north, bookended by Dawson Street to the west and Hobson Street to the east.  The area includes approximately 1,350 businesses that employ 10,300 workers and is home to around 1,100 residents.   

Proposed District Plan

The City Centre Strategy has been prepared to:

  • Establish a shared vision for the city centre, supported by a set of strategic goals (with measurable targets) and key moves/projects that respond to the needs and aspirations of Ngāti Te Whiti, key stakeholders, businesses and the general community.
  • Reflect and where appropriate, advance thinking in the New Plymouth District Blueprint 2015, Proposed District Plan 2019 and the Central Area Urban Design Framework 2013.
  • Adopt a holistic view on the city centre’s potential and apply the latest national and international best thinking relating to city centre revitalisation with specific exploration of the future of retail, residential living, lifestyle offerings, sustainability and place activation.
  • Create a compelling place proposition (a prospectus) with key projects that can motivate investment and secure buy-in from the community.
  • Provide a robust, evidence-based rationale that will support its status as an NPDC strategic plan and key reference document in future investment decision-making including the Long-Term Plan and funding business cases.
  • Be as user friendly as possible. The City Centre Strategy is responsive to change, as it is web-based and will be regularly updated.

Current state

City Development Timeline

Te Rewarewa bridge
City Centre strategy consultation
Brougham street