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Projects to promote and facilitate city centre living, ranging from retrofits of existing buildings through to NPDC-partnered developments to showcase and inspire the best about apartment living and design.
Living and living well within the city centre are key outcomes of the Strategy. Given apartment living is still in its relative infancy, creating apartment units and buildings with good residential amenity/living standards from the outset it important. This is to ensure city centre apartments become an attractive and viable housing option for as many people as possible.
Additional apartment design guidance can cover aspects such as: outlook quality and distances; minimum apartment sizes, floor to ceiling height minimums, apartment depth (for daylight access), private outdoor space, universal design and ground floor residential design along city centre streets.
A dedicated focus on providing a one-stop shop service for housing development and conversion in the city centre is required. NPDC will facilitate integrated advice that is timely and consistent for developers, property owners, business operators and the community.
This will provide an efficient service for conversion of existing buildings or part of buildings to residential apartments in the city centre. Shop-top housing within existing buildings can assist with vibrancy and instigating residential living intentions for the city centre. The conversion of upper floors within buildings to residential uses (subject to acceptable access and internal living standards) is to be encouraged. It makes use of existing building stock and creates a resident population.
Relationships between NPDC, mana whenua, developers, stakeholders and the community are crucial in the effective delivery of the Strategy.
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Page last updated: 09:13am Wed 10 November 2021