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A plan change is a change to the District Plan. This is a public process and can be initiated by us or by members of the public (private plan change). It is unlikely that we would consider any request for a private plan change within two years of the release of the Proposed District Plan – Decisions Version 2023.
Reference: PLC08/00001
This Plan Change updated the locations of some of the symbols on the planning maps that are used to show where waahi tapu and archaeological site are situated.
This Plan Change was based on the results of the New Zealand Archaeological Association upgrade project.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 18 March 2008.
Reference: PLC08/00002
This Plan Change rezoned land from Rural Environment Area to Industrial C Environment Area. The land is located east of Egmont Road, north of the Marton-New Plymouth railway line and south of the recently designated realignment of SH3 at Bell Block. The total land area is approximately 12.5 hectares.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 12 May 2009.
Reference: PLC08/00003
This Plan Change added 42 Young Street, New Plymouth to schedule 8.3: Category A Heritage Buildings and Items in the District Plan. The building was a Category B Heritage Building and upon request from the landowner was re-assessed in 2006 and now meets the criteria to become a Category A Heritage Building.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 5 June 2007.
Reference: PLC08/00004
This Plan Change corrected the height that the minimum distance for vehicle access points on roads as measured from in Diagram 23.6, Appendix 23 of the District Plan. This changed the height from 1.5m to 1.05m, so that it is consistent with the guidelines in the Transit New Zealand Planning Policy Manual, and can be more effectively implemented.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 5 June 2007.
Reference: PLC08/00005
This Plan Change changed the wording of the setback provisions for building length in the Business and Rural Environment Areas (Rur18 and Bus17) from 10m to 12m to make them more consistent with what is permitted in the Residential Environment Area.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 5 June 2007.
Reference: PLC08/00006
This Plan Change added three trees to schedule 13.3 Notable Trees in Appendix 13. These trees are a Vitex Lucens (Puriri) at 134 Barrett Road, New Plymouth, Araucaria Heterphylla (Norfolk Island Pine) at 18 Peace Avenue, New Plymouth and a Ilex Aquiofloium (Common Holly) at Tarata Cemetery. These trees were assessed in 2005 and 2006 and meet Category 1 or 2 notable tree status.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 5 June 2007.
Reference: PLC08/00007
This Plan Change removed the priority water body symbol from Lot 1 DP 20635 and zone the land Open Space B Environment Area. Lot 1 DP 20635 is land and not part of the Waitara River following a subdivision in 1994 that reclaimed land from the West Bank of the Waitara River for flood protection purposes. The lot has no zoning and the Open Space B Environment Area zoning is consistent with the surrounding Environment Areas.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 5 June 2007.
Reference: PLC08/00008
This Plan Change rezoned land from Residential B Environmental Area to Industrial D Environmental Area. The land is at 2-6 Bayley Road, New Plymouth. The total land area is just over 0.5 hectares.
Status: Operative as of Thursday 13 September 2007.
Reference: PLC08/00009
This Plan Change rezoned land from Rural Environment Area to Residential A Environment Area. The land is located south of Huatoki Street and west of Carrington Road, Vogeltown, New Plymouth. The total land area is 18.587 hectares.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 18 March 2008.
Reference: PLC08/00010
This Plan Change added the Gables Morgue New Plymouth to schedule 8.3: Category A Heritage Buildings and Items in the District Plan. Originally the Gables building was listed but the Gables Morgue was not.
In August 2006 a conservation plan was prepared for the Gables Morgue. It recommended that the morgue be listed in the District Plan. The morgue was assessed in January 2007 and met the criteria to become a Category A Heritage Building.
Status: Operative as of 13 September 2007.
Reference: PLC09/00011
This Plan Change updates the locations of some of the symbols on the planning maps that are used to show where waahi tapu and archaeological site are situated. This Plan Change is based on the results of the New Zealand Archaeological Association upgrade project.
Status: This Plan Change is not proceeding.
Reference: PLC09/00012
This Plan Change amended provisions in the District Plan that relate to the Marsland Hill viewshaft. The plan change involved adding an overlay diagram to planning maps C24b, C25b, D24 and D25 and the map enlargement section to illustrate the extent of the Marsland Hill viewshaft, altering the maximum heights in Rule OL71 for Marsland Hill and adding clarification to reason 5.2 in the District Plan which explains the purpose of urban viewshafts.
Status: Operative as of 16 March 2011.
Reference: PLC09/00013
This Plan Change updated existing references to Australian and New Zealand Standards documents in the New Plymouth District Plan relating to:
Status: Operative as of 16 March 2011.
Reference: PLC09/00014
This Plan Change added 18 monuments and memorials to Schedule 8.3 Category A Heritage Buildings and Items in the District Plan.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 29 September 2009.
Reference: PLC09/00015
This Plan Change added a Future Urban Development Overlay, including associated rules, to provide a level of control to land use activities and subdivision within, and land use activities adjacent to, the future urban growth areas identified by the Council’s Framework for Growth (2008), Oakura Structure Plan (2006) and Urenui Structure Plan (2006) including Bell Block Area Q (Wills Road to Airport Drive), New Plymouth Area N (Egmont Road to Henwood Road), New Plymouth Areas S, K and L (Smart Road), Waitara, Oakura, Okato, Egmont Village, Onaero, and Urenui.
Status: Operative as of 25 March 2013.
Reference: PLC09/00016
This Plan Change added St Joseph’s Church, Waitara to Schedule 8.3: Category A Heritage Buildings and Items in the New Plymouth District Plan.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 29 September 2009.
This Plan Change rezoned part of the Rural Environment Area on Armstrong Avenue, Waitara to Residential A Environment Area; added indicative roads and indicative pedestrian links/routes to the area rezoned; added a preferred esplanade reserve along the eastern and western boundaries of the Tangaroa Stream; removed the Future Urban Development Overlay for Waitara Area A; added a new issue, objective, policy, reasons and rule to the District Plan relating to structure plans and comprehensive development of land for future urban use; added structure plans to the overlay section of the District Plan; and added a structure plan and associated policies, reasons and rules to the District Plan for Waitara Area A.
Status: Operative as of 18 January 2014.
Reference: PLC00/00018
This Plan Change rezoned parts of the Rural Environment Area between Karo Park and the Kurapete Stream and Karo Park Open Space B Environment Area, Inglewood, to Residential A Environment Area; amend, add and remove Indicative Local Roads within and adjacent to the areas rezoned to Residential A Environment Area; and add Preferred Esplanade Reserves along both banks of an unnamed tributary of the Waiongana Stream, both banks of the Waiongana-iti Stream, and both banks of the Kurapete Stream.
Status: Operative as of 10 August 2013.
Reference: PLC09/00019
This Plan Change added Tikorangi Pa to Schedule 26.1: Waahi Tapu and Archaeological Sites.
Status: Operative as of 16 June 2010.
Reference: PLC09/00020
This Plan Change:
Status: Operative as of 17 August 2015.
This Plan Change intends to rezone Area N from Rural Environment Area to Industrial C Environment Area as directed by the Framework for Growth.
Investigations into issues associated with archaeology, roading and stormwater are progressing prior to initiating the rezoning plan change process proposed by the Framework for Growth. To date the focus of the Council has been on archaeology and roading. A number of archaeology reports have been prepared for Area N as follows:
The proposed section 18 research strategy has not proceeded at this stage as written approval/agreement has not been received from tangata whenua (Ngati Tawhirikura Hapu and Puketapu Hapu). Should written approval/agreement from tangata whenua (Ngati Tawhirikura Hapu and Puketapu Hapu) be obtained then a Exploratory Archaeological Authority (replacing the section 18 research strategy requirements under the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014) similar to that proposed by the section 18 research strategy could still proceed.
Council is currently:
Status: This plan change will now be considered through the Proposed District Plan.
Reference: PLC09/00022
This Plan Change rezoned Residential and Open Space Environment Areas on Ainslee Street, Adam Lile Drive and Winstone Place, New Plymouth. Twenty-six lots that were zoned Open Space B Environment Area are now zoned Residential A Environment, four lots zoned Residential A Environment Area are now zoned Open Space B Environment Area and two lots zoned Residential A Environment Area are now zoned Open Space C Environment Area in the District Plan.
Status: Operative as of Tuesday 4 May 2010.
Reference: PLC09/00023
This Plan Change amended provisions to reflect the outcomes of a review of the legally unprotected Significant Natural Areas (SNA) currently identified in the District Plan. The Plan Change amended:
Status: Part 2 operative as of 30 June 2014. Part 1 operative as of 21 January 2013.
Reference: PLC10/00024
This Plan Change added Dudley Road War Memorial, Inglewood District to Schedule 8.3 Category A Heritage Buildings and Items.
Status: Operative as of 14 September 2010.
Reference: PLC10/00025
This Plan Change rezoned parts of the Rural Environment Area on Cowling Road, Tukapa Street and Frankley Road to Residential A Environment Area; added indicative roads and indicative pedestrian links/routes to the areas rezoned; added a preferred esplanade reserve along the eastern boundary of the Mangaotuku Stream and updated the ponding area and flood detention areas and spillways overlays in the rezoned area.
Status: Operative as of 29 August 2011.
Reference: PLC10/00026
This Plan Change rezoned the land located on the south-eastern corner of Devon and Lorna Streets (387 and 389 Devon Street West), being Lots 64 and 65 DP 2151, from Open Space B to Residential A Environment Area.
Status: Operative as of 16 March 2011.
Reference: PLC10/00027
Status: Operative as of Wednesday 18 January 2012.
This Plan Change amended the subdivision and land-use provisions relating to maintaining rural character in the Rural Environment Area by strengthening the policy context under Issue 4 and related objective, policies and associated rules to control the scale, location, density and design of land use and subdivision in the Rural Environment Area.
For further information on the rural review process refer to the projects section.
Read the Rural Design Guidelines.
Reference: PLC11/0028
This Plan Change intends to propose changes that will result in more effective and efficient administration of the rules and better environmental outcomes.
Status: This plan change will now be considered through the Proposed District Plan.
Reference: PLC11/00029
This Plan Change recognises and provides for social and cultural events that have associated environmental effects that are 'short-term' in duration. The Plan Change ensures the adverse effects of temporary events are managed in line with community expectations while ensuring such events are able to be efficiently and effectively administered through the resource consent process.
Status: Operative as of 12 September 2014.
Reference: PLC11/00030
This Plan Change added six new trees to the Schedule of Notable Trees, Appendix 13.3 of the District Plan. The six trees are:
Status: Operative as of 29 August 2011.
Reference: PLC11/00031
This Plan Change did not proceed past preliminary investigations as legal advice confirmed the Amenity Tree provisions in the District Plan are still valid under the RMA after 1 January 2012.
Status: This Plan Change is not proceeding.
Reference: PLC11/00032
This Plan Change added Honeyfield Drinking Fountain and Te Henui Cemetery Gates to schedule 8.3 of the New Plymouth District Plan.
Status: Operative as of 20 June 2012.
Reference: PLC11/00033
This Plan Change proposes to implement the National Policy Statement for Electricity Transmission.
Status: This plan change will now be considered through the Proposed District Plan.
Reference: PLC12/00034
This Plan Change proposes to rezone land at 100 Watson Street, New Plymouth from Open Space B to Residential B Environment Area.
Status: This Plan Change is not proceeding.
Reference: PLC12/00035
This Plan Change updated the District Plan's provisions relating to the use of the Codes of Practice being applied in respect of land development and subdivision infrastructure in the district.
Read the Land Development and Subdivision Infrastructure Standard - Local Amendment.
Status: Operative as of 28 March 2014.
Reference: PLC12/00036
This Plan Change ensures that public views and natural character values in Oakura continue to be protected following the proposed road stopping on the seaward side of Messenger Terrace, by realigning the Oakura Urban Viewshaft and Coastal Policy Area Overlays accordingly.
Status: Operative as of 30 June 2014.
Reference: PLC12/00037
This Plan Change implements the National Policy Statement on Renewable Electricity Generation.
Status: Operative as of 30 June 2014.
Reference: PLC13/00038
This Plan change updates references to Noise Standards in the District Plan to those which are most current.
Status: This plan change will now be considered through the Proposed District Plan.
Reference: PLC13/00039
This Plan Change removes minimum parking requirements for private off-street parking in the New Plymouth central area.
Status: Operative as of 12 September 2014.
Reference: PLC13/00040
This Plan Change adds a new definition to the District Plan (Waahi Taonga/Sites of Significance to Maori) and to amend related rules.
Status: Operative as of 19 December 2016.
This Plan Change classifies Barrett Street Hospital Gates and Brick Wall, New Plymouth as a Category A Heritage Item.
Status: Operative as of 16 June 2016.
Reference: PLC14/00042
This Plan Change introduces Financial Contribution provisions for New Areas of Open Space in Growth Areas.
Status: Operative as of 17 August 2015.
Reference: PLC14/00043
This Plan Change confirms the location and extent of waahi taonga/sites of significance to Maori in the District Plan which are located within the Ngati Rahiri Rohe.
Status: Operative as of 19 December 2016.
Reference: PLC17/00047
This Plan Change enables some residential development in Stage 2 of Area Q in a timely manner by changing the prohibited activity status that applies to access from Stage 2 to Airport Drive.
Status: Operative as of 8 February 2018
Reference: PPC18/00048
Status: Declined June 2020
An application was lodged for a Private Plan Change to the Operative District Plan. The application sought to rezone approximately 58 hectares of land south of the Ōākura township from Rural Environment Area to mainly residential zoning.
Private Plan Change 48 Council Decision and Commissioners Recommendation
Reference: PPC18/00049
This Plan Change sought to rezone 11.34 hectares of land on the southern side of Waitara from Rural Environment Area to Residential A and Open Space Environment Areas to facilitate residential development and use.
Status: Operative as of 20 April 2021.
Private Plan Change 49 Council Decision and Commissioners' Recommendation