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Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours. 

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Mahere whakahaere ā-rohe 2005

Operative District Plan 2005

Councils are required to prepare a District Plan under the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).

The Operative District Plan became operative on 15 August 2005 and was reviewed between 2015 and 2019. 

The Proposed District Plan was notified on 23 September 2019. Following submissions and hearings, the Proposed District Plan - Decisions Version was publicly notified on 13 May 2023. On 14 September 2023, the Council released the Proposed District Plan – Appeals Version. 

If a particular provision is shown in the Proposed District Plan - Appeals Version as subject to an appeal, the relevant provisions in the Operative District Plan 2005 may remain applicable (in addition to the Proposed District Plan - Appeals Version) until such time as that appeal is determined or withdrawn.   

Generally, resource consent applications will be assessed using the Proposed District Plan – Appeals Version. However, in some cases, provisions or planning maps that are subject to an appeal may be relevant and it may be necessary to apply for resource consents under both the Operative District Plan and the Proposed District Plan – Appeals Version. 

Any provisions of the Proposed District Plan – Appeals Version that are not subject to an appeal will be treated as operative in accordance with section 86F of the Resource Management Act 1991, and the Operative District Plan will no longer be applicable in respect of these provisions.  

Updates of the Proposed District Plan – Appeals Version will occur, as and when is appropriate. Information on the progress of appeals can be found on the appeals page of our website.