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7:30pm 21 Feb 2025

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Te ara hīkoi o Mangaotuku

Mangaotuku Walkway

The Mangaotuku Walkway follows the Mangaotuku stream from Botany Place to the end of Moulton Street.

Walk details

Grade: Easy
Distance: 1.5km



The Mangaotuku Walkway follows the Mangaotuku stream from Botany Place to the end of Moulton Street. It creates an off road connection between Marfell down towards the Coastal Walkway and is ideal for St Josephs, Devon Intermediate and West End School students and those who want to go to the Moturoa Shops without having to go on the road.

There are various access points to the Walkway, including points off Calvert Road, Lawry Street, Devon Street, Wiremu Place, Cook Street, Vancouver Place and Endeavour Place.


Mangaotuku Walkway

Facilities and car parking

Car parking is available at or near all of the access points to the walkway.

Road user rules apply on our walkways so cyclists must wear helmets.