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7:30pm 21 Feb 2025

Online payments via our website are unavailable until further notice due to a system error. You can still pay by using internet banking.  We apologies for any inconvenience caused. See more on ways to pay

Trade waste is any commercial liquid (which is not typical domestic waste) that is discharged into our wastewater system.

If not controlled, trade waste can be harmful to our wastewater network, the treatment system, the environment, our staff and the public.

If you or your business discharges trade waste, you may need a trade waste consent.

The information in this section is a guide, please contact us to discuss your specific situation and check out the list of businesses often requiring a trade waste consent below.

Did you know

10% of the wastewater treated at the New Plymouth Wastewater Treatment Plant comes from 67 businesses.

Applying for a trade waste consent

We grant trade waste consents on a case-by-case basis. When considering a consent we assess the quality, volume and rate of the discharge in relation to the:

  • Health and safety of our staff and the public.
  • Extent the trade waste may react with other trade waste or domestic waste.
  • Capacity of our wastewater system.
  • Nature of the activity.

We will also visit your business and may take some samples of your trade waste for analysis. For more information on trade waste consents see the Bylaw Part 11 Trade Waste.

Did you know

The amount of wastewater produced by trade waste businesses each day is the same volume as the outside pool at the Todd Energy Aquatic Centre!