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Aromātai rawa

Property revaluations

Every three years we have to value all properties in the district to help us work out everyone’s share of the rates.

Properties in New Plymouth District are primarily rated on land value.

Land values for residential properties in our district have risen by about 78 per cent on average in the last three years. But a 78 per cent valuation increase doesn’t mean a 78 per cent rates increase.

Usually only properties with valuation increases that exceed the average increase will pay a proportionately higher share of rates. If the total rates were a pie, the revaluation determines your slice, or how much you contribute. The revaluation doesn't make the pie bigger.

The latest values were done independently by QV to reflect market value at 1 August 2022 and were audited by the Office of the Valuer-General.

Rates are set on 1 July each year in line with the Annual Plan which takes into account how much revenue we receive from other sources. The land value is one of several factors used to calculate your share of the general rate. Your total rates will include the general rate plus targeted rates for the services provided by NPDC. These are listed on your rates assessment notice which is sent to you at the end of July.

New Plymouth District ratepayers pay rates to NPDC and to Taranaki Regional Council (TRC), which NPDC collects on TRC's behalf. Please contact TRC for information on TRC rates.

The latest valuations are available from Quotable Value or at the Civic Centre in Liardet Street, New Plymouth.


QV rating valuation guide 2022

New Plymouth houses
New Plymouth street
New Plymouth from above