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7:30pm 21 Feb 2025

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Te wehe whenua

Subdividing land

Find out about the subdivision process if you are planning to divide land or buildings for separate ownership.

Subdivision is the process of dividing land or buildings for separate ownership. It can be a complex process and it is likely that you will need to seek advice – as well as engage the services – of professionals including a surveyor, accountant, solicitor, real estate agent, architect, valuer and a suitably qualified engineer.

One of the first things you will need to do if you are thinking about subdividing a property is to investigate the subdivision rules in the New Plymouth District Plan.

These rules relate to such things as:

  • minimum allotment sizes
  • whether the property can be or needs to be serviced with roads, water supply, sewerage and stormwater disposal
  • whether suitable building platform(s) exist (with no flooding or stability problems)
  • whether the proposal meets other planning requirements (such as the need for existing buildings to be a minimum distance from the boundary)
  • whether the proposal creates additional users on a right-of-way
  • whether the property is affected by areas or items of value or importance to the community that have been identified on the planning maps