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Population and business growth creates the need for new subdivisions and developments, and these activities place greater demand on the assets and services we provide. As a result, significant investment in new or upgraded assets and services is required to meet the demands of growth. Development contributions are collected to ensure that a fair, equitable, and proportionate share of the costs of that infrastructure is funded by development.
If you are subdividing, building, connecting to our services, or otherwise undertaking development in the district, you may have to pay development contributions.
Development contributions may be required for a development as part of:
Development contributions will generally be required at the earliest possible point, i.e. whichever consent, certificate or authorisation listed above is granted first.
The location of your development will determine what development contributions you may be required to pay.
There are multiple catchments and development areas where development contributions apply. You may be required to pay development contributions for each catchment your development is located within. It is likely that most developments will be located within several catchments with development contributions payable for each catchment.
The catchments are mapped in Part 3 of the Policy p24-005-development-and-financial-contributions-policy.pdf ( and are listed below:
- All development in the district pays this catchment charge.
- All development in the district pays this catchment charge.
- All development in the district pays this catchment charge.
- All development in the district pays the district-wide catchment charge.
- Any development in urban areas pays the urban area catchment charge in addition to the district-wide catchment charge.
- Any development within the Waitara catchment or Inglewood catchment pays that relevant catchment charge in addition to paying the charges for the district-wide catchment and urban area catchment.
- Any development within the network-wide catchment pays the network-wide charge.
- Any development within the Waimea sewer catchment pays that relevant catchment charge in addition to paying the charge for the network-wide catchment.
- Any development within the network-wide catchment pays the network-wide charge.
- Any development within the individual catchment of New Plymouth pays that relevant catchment charge in addition to paying the charge for the network-wide catchment.
- Any development within a development area pays the relevant development area charges.
- Any development in a development area will also be liable for a catchment contribution (if connecting in relation to water and wastewater) and for district-wide catchment contributions.
Table 1 (below) shows the development contributions charge per Household Unit Equivalent (HUE) for each catchment.
Table 2 (below) shows the indicative aggregated catchment charges for a development in different areas of the District per HUE.
The amount payable is determined by an assessment of the demand your development generates on council infrastructure and reserves. This assessment is undertaken by comparing your development against the following demand measures of a HUE and the demands they typically place on infrastructure and reserves:
Activity |
Unit of measurement |
Demand per HUE |
Water Supply |
Litres per day |
750 litres per day |
Wastewater |
Litres per day |
625 litres per day |
Stormwater |
Impervious surface area |
400m2 |
Transportation |
Trips per day (vehicle equivalent movement) |
10 trips per day |
Parks and Open Spaces |
Occupancy |
2.5 people |
Community infrastructure |
Occupancy |
2.5 people |
For residential development, the number of HUEs is based on the number and nature of the residential units being created. A standard residential unit (3 bedrooms) is 1 HUE, with proportions or multiples of that HUE used for smaller or larger residential units based on the number of bedrooms.
For non-residential developments, development contributions can be converted to HUEs based on an assessment of information provided by the developer on the demand they expect to generate in comparison to residential HUE demand measures.
Table 1 shows the development contribution charge per HUE. You may be required to pay development contributions for each catchment your development is located within.
The development contributions payable are calculated by multiplying the number of HUE generated by your development by the charge for that catchment.
Table 2 shows the indicative aggregated catchment charges for a development in different areas of the District per HUE. It highlights the different catchment charges you are likely to be required to pay depending on the location of your development.
Parks and Open Spaces | |
District-wide |
$257.10 |
Community Infrastructure | |
District-wide |
$1,173.53 |
Transportation | |
District-wide |
$1,761.66 |
Wastewater | |
Wastewater Network |
$8,896.77 |
Waimea |
$15,317.46 |
Water Supply | |
All Networks |
$3,325.76 |
New Plymouth |
$3,408.73 |
Stormwater |
District-wide |
$1,378.46 |
Urban |
$1,621.92 |
Waitara |
$2,248.16 |
Inglewood |
$25,500.16 |
Development Areas |
Puketapu |
$28,183.46 |
Carrington |
$36,974.30 |
Junction |
$36,319.63 |
Patterson |
$10,040.04 |
Sutherland/Patterson |
$23,919.90 |
NPDC may decide to allow remissions for particular community infrastructure works, such as that undertaken by schools, charitable organisations or charitable trusts and to support the principles in the preamble to Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993. For more information on remissions please see the ‘postponement and remissions’ section of the Development and Financial Contributions Policy.
You are entitled under the Local Government Act 2002 to request a reconsideration or lodge a formal objection if you believe we have made a mistake in assessing the level of development contributions for your development.
Requests for reconsideration must be lodged within 10 working days from the issue of your development contribution notice. This type of request does not incur any costs and may be lodged if you believe that:
• The development contribution was incorrectly calculated or assessed under NPDC’s Development and Financial Contributions Policy; or
• NPDC incorrectly applied its Development and Financial Contributions Policy; or
• The information used to assess your development against the Development and Financial Contributions Policy, or the way NPDC has recorded or used it when requiring a development contribution, was incomplete or contained errors.
We will notify you of the reconsideration outcome within 15 working days of the receipt of all required information. If you are unhappy with the result you may lodge an objection.
Objections are determined by a government-appointed commissioner and must be lodged with us within 15 working days from the issue of your development contributions notice, or the notice of the reconsideration outcome. You will need to cover the costs for the objection process.
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Page last updated: 12:11pm Thu 09 January 2025