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Online payments unavailable

7:30pm 21 Feb 2025

Online payments via our website are unavailable until further notice due to a system error. You can still pay by using internet banking.  We apologies for any inconvenience caused. See more on ways to pay

Te tuku i tētahi tono mā te whakaaetanga rauemi

Making a submission on a resource consent

You can make a submission on a resource consent to support, object, or a mixture of both, to parts of, or the entire proposal.

The Resource Management Act (RMA) requires that any submissions must be made in writing 20 working days following public notification.

Resource consent submission form

Woman looking at plans on a computer

The Resource Management Act (RMA) requires that a submission must contain the following information:

  • the reason for the submission
  • whether you support or oppose the application
  • the decision you wish us to make
  • whether or not you wish to speak at a hearing (if you do not indicate this, you may not be invited to the hearing)
  • the conditions you would like to see imposed on the consent if it is granted
  • your name, postal address and phone number.

Send your submission to us and a copy to the applicant. We will acknowledge receipt of your submission. You may then be invited to participate in a pre-hearing meeting.

What next?

When the period for making submissions is finished a date is set for a pre-hearing or hearing meeting.