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Online payments unavailable

7:30pm 21 Feb 2025

Online payments via our website are unavailable until further notice due to a system error. You can still pay by using internet banking.  We apologies for any inconvenience caused. See more on ways to pay

Te akoako mō te whakaaetanga rauemi

Consulting on a resource consent

If you are applying for a resource consent you must consult with any parties who might be affected by the work you wish to undertake.

Not only does this give affected people the opportunity to have their say about the ways in which your project might impact on them, including them in this process means they are more likely to be supportive of you and your proposal.

It is also a requirement of the Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) to include a statement that details what consultation was undertaken. The statement should include any responses you have to the views of those consulted.

In cases where we believe it would be unrealistic to identify all the affected people, it is likely that your application will have to be notified. Similarly, if you have consulted with affected parties and some do not give their approval, your application will have to be notified.

A person's hands on a laptop