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Application ID | Primary Property | Sub-Category | Full Details |
BC23/131911 | 20 Bell Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCLightCom | Light Commercial-Replacement of low rise accessible lift in cafeteria. |
BC24/132532 | 99 McLean Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New 3 bedroom house with double attached internal access garage |
BC24/132934 | 1060 Carrington Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - One bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/133027 | 50 Mamaku Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm-Workshop/storage space |
BC24/133097 | 259 Waitara Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Three bedroom dwelling with detached double garage |
BC24/133147 | 102 Airport Drive, NEW PLYMOUTH AIRPORT, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations with new windows and cladding and attached alfresco veranda area addition |
BC24/133207 | 497 Kent Road, KORITO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - 9m x 6.6m double garage |
BC24/133218 | 11 D Havelock Place, BLAGDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Bathroom renovation with tiled shower |
BC24/133238 | 115 Princess Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCSwimPool | Other Residential/Farm - Pool and Pool fencing |
BC24/133242 | 16 Oropuriri Road, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Additional sewer drainage to be provided to existing sewer drain on-site (able to be disconnected) |
BC24/133243 | 54 Rewa Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with engineered foundation (SOL) |
BC24/133252 | 15 Hurworth Road, HURWORTH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom gable roof dwelling |
BC24/133290 | 4 A Barton Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Additions and alterations to dwelling and garage |
BC24/133307 | 1 Kotare Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with internal access double garage |
BC24/133309 | 57 Clemow Road, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Small extension to corner of dwelling |
BC24/133311 | 26 Weymouth Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Three Storey, eighteen unit apartment building |
BC24/133312 | 68 Omata Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-ENABLE-Accessible modifications to assist wheelchair using tenant, access ramp, accessible laundry, extension to access platform for parking mobility scooter, accessible kitchen |
BC24/133313 | 13 Pahakahaka Drive, KAITAKE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Additions to the existing dwelling including new swimming pool. |
BC24/133323 | 50 James Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCOthrComt | Community - Alterations and additions to an existing Kohanga Reo |
BC24/133330 | 21 Skinner Street, BLAGDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Two bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/133331 | 33 Magnolia Drive, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - new window in bedroom |
BC24/133334 | 36 D Gaine Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | New Dwelling - Two Bedroom Dwelling |
BC24/133335 | 553 B Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached triple garaging. |
BC24/133349 | 3 Karamea Street, WHALERS GATE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - 2m X 3.6m extension, Reclad all existing weatherboard with T-Rib over cavity. |
BC24/133351 | 23 Pukearuhe Road, URENUI 4377 | BCEdChild | Community- Install SS2 Emergency warning system, type 4 analogue addressable to NZS4512:2021 standard |
BC24/133352 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCLightCom | Light Commercial - Six bedroom Transportable accommodation block MG399 |
BC24/133354 | 74 - 71 Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Refurbishment work to an existing town house (unit 74) |
BC24/133358 | 3 Carver Place, LYNMOUTH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Timber deck and door removed. New window installed. |
BC24/133359 | 515 Lepper Road Upper, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/133362 | 18 Pararewa Drive, WHALERS GATE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two new detached units - Unit A being a single story, Unit B being two-storey. |
BC24/133365 | 18 B Kauri Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Alterations to existing external walls, garage door |
BC24/133366 | 174 Ngamotu Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- New bay window alteration |
BC24/133367 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | New Dwelling - Transportable four bedroom home MG422 |
BC24/133369 | 84 Brougham Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations and new plumbing work |
BC24/133375 | 29 A Thames Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - House extension |
BC24/133379 | 1 Greenpath Lane, HURWORTH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate two bedroom dwelling, Foundations and services only. |
BC24/133380 | 53 Colson Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Reclad of eastern wall to accommodate new doors. New windows to south and north walls of living room. |
BC24/133381 | 11 Princes Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Addition of new Kitchen & dining area |
BC24/133382 | 7 Gordon Street, GLEN AVON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations |
BC24/133386 | 2 Newbury Place, WAITARA 4320 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- New internal beam |
BC24/133389 | 100 Te Arei Road West, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Construct a 12m x 12m steel engineered shed |
BC24/133391 | 11 Gill Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Internal shop fit out. (Tenancy 05) |
BC24/133393 | 62 Wills Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Detached outbuilding - shed with washroom. |
BC24/133395 | 13 B Lepper Road Upper, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate second hand, three bedroom dwelling to site. This consent is for relocation only, plumbing and drainage consent to be applied for in a second stage at a later date. |
BC24/133397 | 4 - 71 Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Refurbishment of townhouse Four |
BC24/133401 | 126 B Matarikoriko Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with double garage and media room. |
BC24/133404 | 4 Neve Place, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Replacing existing shower tiles, including new wall substrate and waterproofing. |
BC24/133405 | 379 B Pukearuhe Road, URENUI 4377 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - 5 Bay Pole Shed |
BC24/133406 | 159 Coronation Avenue, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Remove part existing wall between Kitchen & Dining, and install new beam and bracing. |
BC24/133408 | 8 Weymouth Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Removal of existing doors and installation of new larger bifold door unit. |
BC24/133413 | 615 Wortley Road, INGLEWOOD 4389 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm- Two car garage |
BC24/133414 | 2 Windsor Road, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm- New sewer line from the existing sewer to the shed, run a new cold water line from the house to the shed and installation of a new tub and toilet and associated pipework in the shed. |
BC24/133419 | 15 C Beach Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - fire wall to existing carport |
BC24/133423 | 36 Takiroa Street, URENUI 4375 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Metro Wee Rad ( Legs ) free standing wood burner |
BC24/133424 | 57 Queens Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Residential/Farm - New sewer connection to the existing lateral |
BC24/133428 | 283 Devon Street West, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrComt | Community - New Internal Fit-out |
BC24/133430 | 73 Ridgewood Drive, RIDGEWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Replacement of Effluent bed only, with one new conventional bed |
BC24/133435 | 111 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Retaining wall |
BC24/133436 | 9 Te Rangi Hiroa Place, URENUI 4375 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Rebuilding 3m high by 12m long retaining wall |
BC24/133437 | 808 Hurford Road, HURFORD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Fourteen bay, roof only, covered feed pad built over existing concrete pad. |
BC24/133442 | 352 Rimutauteka Road, INGLEWOOD 4388 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage and 9m x 9.6m pole shed (SOL) |
BC24/133444 | 310 Paraite Road, PARAITE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to dwelling |
BC24/133446 | 23 B Wallath Road, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/133450 | 63 D Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Retaining wall |
BC24/133453 | 63 C Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Detached three Bedroom Dwelling (SOL) |
BC25/133459 | 611 Hurford Road, HURFORD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Pole shed |
BC25/133460 | 139 Brooklands Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Tile shower & reconfigure bathroom, add window & cavity slider to bedroom. |
BC25/133461 | 356 Carrington Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Installation of soak holes in two rows on the proposed two lots. |
BC25/133468 | 54 Nevada Drive, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Metro Wee rad Freestanding wood burner |
BC25/133470 | 71 Connett Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCPlmb&Drn | Other Residential/Farm - New sewer connection to a new lot – proposed lot 2 |
BC25/133472 | 21 Skinner Street, BLAGDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - New sewer connection to a new lot |
BC25/133473 | 55 Rosendale Avenue, SPOTSWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - New bathroom and laundry to existing versatile shed. |
BC25/133475 | 91 Ranfurly Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Jayline FR300 Free standing wood burner |
BC25/133476 | 93 Pendarves Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Metro Wee Rad ( Legs ) free standing wood burner |
BC25/133478 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel, BCRelocatn | New Dwelling - Brand new transportable home from the bearers up MG427 |
Application ID | Primary Property | Sub-Category | Full Details |
BC23/131288 | 43 Mataro Road, URENUI 4375 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Enclosure of existing veranda (P) |
BC24/132772 | 65 Blake Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- ENABLE - Alterations to storage, kitchen, bathroom and laundry area |
BC24/133011 | Oxford Road, OKATO 4381 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - One bedroom dwelling |
BC24/133099 | 144 A Heta Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm-Relocate second hand two bedroom dwelling. Foundations and services |
BC24/133107 | 45 Ballance Street, LOWER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two-bedroom dwelling |
BC24/133120 | 173 St Aubyn Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Large: Stage 2 - Three two storey multi-res buildings (Blocks A, B and C - 16 units total) |
BC24/133150 | 705 Dudley Road Upper, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Steel framed shed with games room |
BC24/133170 | 27 Hori Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - New ensuite |
BC24/133194 | South Road, KAITAKE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Four bedroom dwelling with an attached three car garage |
BC24/133211 | 414 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (proposed lot 3) |
BC24/133211 | 414 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (proposed lot 3) |
BC24/133213 | 160 Egmont Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage & Roof outdoor area |
BC24/133230 | 20 Lismore Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCSwimPool | Other Residential/Farm - Swimming pool as per the engineered design |
BC24/133237 | 55 Pembroke Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Add full bathroom to existing garage |
BC24/133262 | 12 A Sycamore Grove, LOWER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Enclose 2 x carport walls |
BC24/133266 | 23 Waipapa Road, WAITARA 4383 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - House transported to site and put on piles and connected to services |
BC24/133267 | 92 Buller Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two Storey, three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage |
BC24/133272 | 110 Airport Drive, NEW PLYMOUTH AIRPORT, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - New internal ensuite |
BC24/133276 | 1 Holloway Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCEdChild | Community - Alterations to bathroom, music room and bin storage. Canopy in front of classroom block B. |
BC24/133280 | Scout Road, KORITO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/133281 | 10 Mount View Place, SPOTSWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCDecks | Other Residential/Farm - New deck |
BC24/133282 | 13 Cumming Street, OKATO 4335 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Build a 7mw x 12ml steel framed storage shed |
BC24/133285 | 17 A Timandra Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Relocation of existing laundry to existing garage and re-fitting the laundry into a walk-in-wardrobe and ensuite. |
BC24/133286 | 265 Mimi Road, MIMI, URENUI 4377 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm- water treatment disposal consent only for a relocatable 12.5X4.2 on skids |
BC24/133291 | 12 B Takiroa Street, URENUI 4375 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm- 12.0m x 9.0m Single Pitch pole type shed |
BC24/133292 | 59 E Raleigh Street, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Four bedroom dwelling with triple garage |
BC24/133294 | 361 Corbett Road, PARAITE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Extension of living/dining area |
BC24/133296 | 255 Weld Road Lower, TATARAIMAKA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to dwelling |
BC24/133297 | 2 Miro Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Tee into existing sewer and run to proposed new section |
BC24/133298 | 469 Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Dwelling extension with new master bedroom, ensuite and lounge. New covered deck. |
BC24/133300 | 58 Dixon Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Multiple alterations to the internal layout |
BC24/133301 | 502 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCEdChild | Community - Reconfiguration of student toilet facilities, This includes extending the footprint of the building |
BC24/133308 | 3 Dixon Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Internal fit out of existing basement garage, for use as gym, office, storage, bathroom and utility area. |
BC24/133310 | 264 Carrington Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Replacing existing garage with bigger footprint |
BC24/133315 | 217 Waitara Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCSwimPool | Other Residential/Farm- New pool and fence |
BC24/133316 | 60 Devon Street East, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-Internal fit out |
BC24/133319 | 1 B Takiroa Street, URENUI 4375 | BCEdChild | Community - Decommission existing septic tanks, new/renew existing EW drainage, dry chambers, wet manhole, wastewater treatment/filtration systems, onsite land application system |
BC24/133321 | 14 Koromiko Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - New sewer connection connecting in to the existing lateral to serve future Lot 2 as part of the subdivision. |
BC24/133322 | 114 Wills Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Divert sanitary drains from septic tank to new pump chamber. Pump chamber will discharge to already installed chamber, roadside of 114 Wills Rd. |
BC24/133324 | 83 Messenger Terrace, OAKURA 4314 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Partial re-clad and Installation of double glazed windows and doors |
BC24/133325 | 19 Prudence Place, OAKURA 4314 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Tiled shower to existing bathroom |
BC24/133326 | 52 Liardet Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-New Garage /storage Building. Concrete foundation & Floor, Concrete block walls |
BC24/133336 | 22 Ngaio Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to dwelling |
BC24/133338 | 17 Hume Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Metro Trend Insert CA wood fire |
BC24/133339 | 52 Matarikoriko Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCOthrComt | Community - Replacing failed effluent bed with retro-fit secondary waste water treatment system as per onsite wastewater design |
BC24/133340 | 181 Tukapa Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Add a new toilet back into the original toilet compartment. |
BC24/133341 | 54 Wallath Road, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCFences | Other Residential/Farm - New pool fence to be installed to three sides of the pool area |
BC24/133343 | 16 Oranga Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Temporary drainage, sewer, branch vent to be fixed to existing timber fence and install overflow relief gully for a caravan |
BC24/133346 | 34 A Ngakoti Street, URENUI 4375 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Metro Wee Rad (Legs) free standing wood burner |
BC24/133347 | 115 Airport Drive, NEW PLYMOUTH AIRPORT, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Metro LTD Insert wood fire |
BC24/133353 | 26 A Honeyfield Drive, WHALERS GATE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/133355 | 212 Henwood Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Masport R5000 base free standing wood burner |
BC24/133356 | 150 Dorset Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/133364 | 150 Dorset Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm- Construct two garages 16x10m and 12x8m |
BC24/133370 | 94 Lower King Road, TARURUTANGI, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - 12m x 9m Garage |
BC24/133373 | 12 C Frank Frethey Place, HIGHLANDS PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Metro Ambie Plus freestanding wood burner |
BC24/133378 | 1 - 170 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Metro Wee Rad C/A on legs freestanding wood burner |
BC24/133434 | 157 Wairau Road, KAITAKE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - connecting existing sewer line to new council connect at boundary, decommissioning septic tank |
Application ID | Primary Property | Sub-Category | Full Details |
BC24/133096 | 38 Sycamore Grove, LOWER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Three bedroom dwelling |
BC22/130184 | 5 - 196 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - 5 x proposed stand alone 2 bedroom units. The lot will be subdivided in to 5 individual titles as per BTW plans (P) |
BC22/130184 | 5 - 196 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - 5 x proposed stand alone 2 bedroom units. The lot will be subdivided in to 5 individual titles as per BTW plans (P) |
BC22/130184 | 5 - 196 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - 5 x proposed stand alone 2 bedroom units. The lot will be subdivided in to 5 individual titles as per BTW plans (P) |
BC22/130184 | 5 - 196 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - 5 x proposed stand alone 2 bedroom units. The lot will be subdivided in to 5 individual titles as per BTW plans (P) |
BC22/130184 | 5 - 196 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - 5 x proposed stand alone 2 bedroom units. The lot will be subdivided in to 5 individual titles as per BTW plans (P) |
BC22/130184 | 5 - 196 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - 5 x proposed stand alone 2 bedroom units. The lot will be subdivided in to 5 individual titles as per BTW plans (P) |
BC22/130956 | 30 Heta Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm- Garage extension and master bedroom alteration. Woodburner added |
BC22/131178 | 21 Paraite Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOffice | Commercial - 9m2 extension to office building to create a lunch room extension (ground floor only) (P) |
BC24/132592 | 132 Ngatimaru Road, TIKORANGI, WAITARA 4383 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Extension of existing house - Additional Laundry,Lounge,Bedroom with ensuite |
BC24/132721 | 15 Saltash Street, UPPER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-New building entry, fire alarm and accessible toilet |
BC24/132920 | 33 Colson Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCHeavyCom | Industrial - Construction of a concrete foundation pad, underground reticulated pipework from existing town main to new fire water supply tank and new supply to existing sprinkler valve room |
BC24/133006 | 7 Pukatea Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Alteration of existing sleep-out to two bedroom, bathroom & Kitchenette. |
BC24/133040 | 109 Rugby Road, INGLEWOOD 4388 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/133047 | 120 Mamaku Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - 230.4 m2 Outbuilding with Wash Room |
BC24/133065 | 33 Hursthouse Street, VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to Lounge & Dining/Kitchen and addition of laundry and outdoor room |
BC24/133075 | 71 B Kaipi Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - To relocate this second hand dwelling |
BC24/133083 | 12 Cunningham Lane, OAKURA 4314 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/133092 | 35 Hudson Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Retail outlet for Farmlands |
BC24/133102 | 489 Smart Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCSwimPool | Other Residential/Farm - Pool and Pool house to existing dwelling |
BC24/133118 | 14 Rimu Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Internal and External dwelling alterations and additions |
BC24/133119 | 45 Nevada Drive, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Construct a 12m x 6m Steel frame shed |
BC24/133136 | 35 Junction Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial- Re cladding, re glazing and interior fit-out |
BC24/133145 | 39 Kairau Road East, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4373 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Attached three car garage to existing house |
BC24/133159 | 44 Dorset Avenue, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage |
BC24/133161 | 379 B Pukearuhe Road, URENUI 4377 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Addition to dwelling |
BC24/133163 | 11 Bulkeley Terrace, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom, two storey dwelling with double garage |
BC24/133165 | 167 Devon Street West, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | LARGE Commercial - Remodel of existing eight storey office building |
BC24/133166 | 15 Queen Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New two bedroom unit (Unit 3) |
BC24/133167 | 15 Queen Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - 2 x single bedroom dwelling/unit (Unit 2) |
BC24/133168 | 15 Queen Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New two bedroom unit (Unit 1) |
BC24/133169 | 46 Fitzroy Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Dwelling with three bedrooms & double garage |
BC24/133173 | 55 A Brooklands Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/133177 | 20 Ainslee Street, HIGHLANDS PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to the existing bathroom. |
BC24/133181 | 59 C Manu Crescent, UPPER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Remove carport and build garage |
BC24/133185 | 20 Bell Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCEdChild | Other Residential/Farm - Remove existing membrane roof and add new roof and framing (B block) |
BC24/133188 | 109 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two story four bedroom dwelling |
BC24/133190 | 63 Kelly Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate two new dwellings to site as per site plan |
BC24/133195 | 101 Cowling Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage |
BC24/133196 | 6 Cherry Lane, HURDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations and additions to dwelling |
BC24/133197 | 2 - 9 Wilton Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/133198 | 158 Carrington Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - New Kitchen and laundry layout. Walls removed and beam installed. |
BC24/133199 | 70 Pioneer Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Open plan living extension with new laundry and bathroom within existing footprint |
BC24/133200 | 1434 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/133203 | 130 Coronation Avenue, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Construction of two timber pole sheds creating a storage shed and race day tie ups building |
BC24/133206 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | New Dwelling - Three bedroom transportable dwelling MG421 |
BC24/133208 | 156 Vivian Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Interior alterations and enclose balcony |
BC24/133209 | 3 - 16 A Whiteley Street, MOTUROA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - New internal stairs, new shower and existing external stairs modified |
BC24/133210 | 74 Devon Street East, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Interior fitout of an existing retail tenancy |
BC24/133217 | 8 Beach Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Addition of garage to house |
BC24/133219 | 44 A Glamis Avenue, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Install shower and toilet into the laundry space. |
BC24/133223 | 73 Gill Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Internal fit out |
BC24/133224 | 252 Koru Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached four car garage |
BC24/133226 | 6 Mustang Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewBuild | Commercial - New Office Building |
BC24/133227 | 32 Kairau Road West, SENTRY HILL, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage and outdoor room with pergola |
BC24/133229 | 691 Devon Road, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Relocate consent and internal fitout of office block made up of six Individual modules and joined onsite to make an office block |
BC24/133231 | 15 Dillon Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrNoHb | Community - Build a 6m x 6m Storage Shed |
BC24/133232 | 167 Wairau Road, KAITAKE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Double garage |
BC24/133235 | 114 Rata Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Removed leaking existing upper roof and replace with new trusses and roofing, re-clad to three exterior walls. |
BC24/133236 | 46 Record Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - New scullery and kitchen |
BC24/133241 | 565 Junction Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Freestanding Stanley Donard (Super Star) Cooker Woodburner |
BC24/133244 | 5 Cumming Street, OKATO 4335 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate an existing house to site as per site plan - foundations and services only |
BC24/133245 | 3 Watene Crescent, WAITARA 4320 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Internal modifications to assist disabled client, accessible bathroom, internal door widening and modification of door locations |
BC24/133249 | 645 Hurford Road, HURFORD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Split level, three bedroom dwelling with office and attached double garage |
BC24/133250 | 269 E Hurford Road, HURFORD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - 14m x 8m XSPAN shed |
BC24/133251 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | New Dwelling - Transportable dwelling from the bearers up MG423 Sasha Ricket |
BC24/133253 | 24 A Standish Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocated of Existing HouseMe unit to site |
BC24/133254 | 23 C Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Retaining Wall ROW |
BC24/133255 | 4 Kelvin Place, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Install bathroom (shower, basin and toilet) into existing sleepout. Pipe hot and cold water from house to sleepout. Pipe grey water to existing house connection. |
BC24/133257 | 20 Nelson Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCInbuilt | Install Masport Le 4000 Masonry Inbuilt wood burner |
BC24/133258 | 98 A South Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/133259 | 54 Rewa Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Build a 7.0m x 6.0m Gable style pole type storage shed |
BC24/133260 | 356 Carrington Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Move original house from the front of the section to the rear of section, relocate WITT house to the front section. Build a garage with fire wall. |
BC24/133263 | 7 Arden Place, OAKURA 4314 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Minor alteration to bathrooms and kitchen |
BC24/133264 | 29 Norwich Avenue, SPOTSWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Addition to the rear of the home including extending bedroom and new ensuite |
BC24/133265 | 321 Dover Road, OKATO 4374 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Construct Totalspan steel shell building |
BC24/133268 | 42 Connett Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - New fire suppression system within a detached server building (Building is exempt works). |
BC24/133269 | 825 Upland Road, EGMONT VILLAGE 4372 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Free Standing Masport R5000 Wood Fire |
BC24/133270 | 2 - 6 Belt Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to existing two storey house. |
BC24/133271 | 12 Mahoe Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Retaining wall to west boundary of site |
BC24/133273 | 14 Shearer Drive, OAKURA 4314 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Install Metro smart insert Inbuilt wood burner. |
BC24/133274 | 399 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - New 100mm PVC sewer connection off the properties existing sewer lateral to service proposed Lot 1. A new rock-filled soak pit 2.0m x 1.5m x 1m deep |
BC24/133275 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | New Dwelling - Two bedroom transportable dwelling MG424 Garner |
BC24/133277 | 9 Te Rima Place, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Retaining wall |
BC24/133278 | 8 - 71 Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Refurbishment of an existing townhouse (TH08) |
BC24/133283 | 34 B High Street West, WAITARA 4320 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Bathroom re-fit and full cladding joinery change |
BC24/133284 | 95 Koru Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Metro Tiny Rad Woody Free Standing Wood Fire |
BC24/133287 | 2 - 20 Norman Street, LOWER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Unit 2 reclad of existing textured fibre cement sheet cladding with new cladding. |
BC24/133289 | 118 Sealy Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCFreestd | Freestanding- Install free standing Masport R5000 LEG wood fire |
BC24/133293 | 372 Mataro Road, URENUI 4375 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Remove an internal wall between the lounge and sunroom |
BC24/133295 | 4 Dartmoor Avenue, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Masport ULEB Hurunui free standing wood burner |
BC24/133317 | 25 Glen Almond Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Install Metro Trend Insert C/A Insert Wood Fire |
BC24/133318 | 3 Pokaka Place, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/133320 | 28 B Coby Sydney Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Firenzo Contessa Free standing wood burner with Wetback connection |
BC23/131444 | 414 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | CANCELLED - Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC23/131444 | 414 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | CANCELLED - Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
May - October 2024
Application ID | Primary Property | Sub-Category | Full Details |
BC22/130612 | Connett Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewBuild | Commercial - Single storey building which will house two industrial/commercial tenancies, including a Residence within the building (separated by fire rated walls and a fire door). (P) |
BC22/131040 | 49 Wallace Place, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two storey, three bedroom dwelling with study and garage (P) |
BC22/131074 | 345 B Wortley Road, INGLEWOOD 4389 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm- New toilet. (P) |
BC22/131157 | 99 Liardet Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrComt | Other Residential/Farm - one x three and two-storey building containing 1 x four bedroom town house, 1 x three bedroom town house and three x two-bedroom townhouses (Block F) (P) |
BC22/131158 | 99 Liardet Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrComt | Other Residential/Farm - Two storey building containing 1 x three bedroom town house and four x two bedroom town houses (Block G) (P) |
BC22/131159 | 99 Liardet Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrComt | Other Residential/Farm - Two-storey building containing one x three bedroom town house and a four x two bedroom town houses (block E) (P) |
BC22/131160 | 99 Liardet Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrComt | Other Residential/Farm - Three x two-storey buildings containing 10 x three bedroom town houses, including stormwater main (Block A, B & C) (P) |
BC22/131161 | 99 Liardet Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrComt | Other Residential/Farm - Two storey building containing one x three bedroom town house and three two bedroom town houses (Block D) (P) |
BC22/131176 | 30 Dillon Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom, split two storey dwelling with garage (SOL) |
BC23/131527 | 93 Buller Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two storey, four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage and workshop and lift |
BC23/131559 | 7 Makere Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Small extension to existing lounge (total of 7.55m²) plus small section of extra roof (1.8m²) |
BC23/131633 | 70 Hursthouse Road, RD 2, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCOthrCom | Other Residential/Farm - Re-build of existing shed, demolished by storm. Will require new structure including columns and beam, new cladding and roofing. |
BC23/131706 | 64 Parris Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Extensions to house consisting of three bedrooms and an en suite bathroom, plus alterations to the bathroom and laundry areas. (SOL) |
BC23/131759 | 24 Upjohn Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Convert existing garage into a one-bedroom dwelling with office |
BC23/131788 | 511 Plymouth Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm-Installation of a Narellan Grandeur 11 swimming pool |
BC23/131985 | 1104 Devon Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm -Transportable two bedroom cabin (Cabin 1 – Building Site No1) |
BC23/132103 | 452 Mountain Road S H 3a, WAITARA DISTRICT 4621 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Addition to Kitchen, Construction of Gazebo, Upgrade of effluent field, Change of use from SH/CA to CA risk group |
BC23/132139 | 26 D Olson Street, EGMONT VILLAGE 4386 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - with three bedroom, with attached double garage. |
BC23/132156 | 686 Hurford Road, HURFORD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Single level three bedroom dwelling. |
BC23/132170 | 2 Stockman Road, TIKORANGI, WAITARA 4383 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Stage 2 build: Ground floor & first floor over previously consent concrete basement |
BC23/132171 | 408 South Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm- New entry, bedroom one and dining additions (SOL) |
BC23/132182 | 11 Northgate, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Construction of a three storey duplex with the building split with a intertenancy wall. |
BC23/132185 | 73 Branch Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm-Replacing both balconies, reclad all monotec to stria on cavity |
BC23/132207 | 2 Tupoki Street, GLEN AVON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations- Bathroom, kitchen and dining alterations |
BC23/132235 | 74 Hume Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Addition of kitchen area plumbing |
BC23/132247 | 45 Queen Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Designed work from BTW driven piles single storey building 58.8 sq meters |
BC23/132251 | 13 Manadon Street, SPOTSWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-New 684m2 workshop with staff amenities, site storm water disposal system |
BC23/132254 | 1 D Beach Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrComt | Other Residential/Farm- Relocating new 2 bedroom cabin |
BC23/132273 | 107 Weld Road Upper, TATARAIMAKA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Firenzo Forte Flush Inbuilt |
BC23/132274 | 108 Govett Avenue, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Renovating current toilet/bathroom -Re-configure existing bathroom & add ensuite |
BC23/132294 | 3 To be confirmed, . 0 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage |
BC23/132295 | 9 Hoewaka Lane, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two x Three bedroom dwellings (SOL) |
BC23/132297 | 25 A Seymour Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- House renovation with new master bedroom and ensuite extension. New lounge and dinning extension and relocated kitchen. New roof and roof framing (SOL) |
BC23/132310 | 43 Tarata Road, INGLEWOOD 4387 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Install new septic tank and effluent bed. |
BC23/132312 | 3 Dawson Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - proposed new 5 bedroom dwelling. |
BC23/132315 | 2 - 330 Tukapa Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations & Additions to existing dwelling & new garage with attached office & toilet |
BC23/132323 | 79 Pembroke Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Toilet addition in the basement workshop |
BC23/132327 | 201 Tukapa Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCEdChild | LARGE Community - New Assembly Hall & Gym |
BC23/132328 | 93 Messenger Terrace, OAKURA 4314 | BCDecks | Other Residential/Farm - Replace existing deck structure with new |
BC23/132338 | 29 Jans Terrace, OAKURA 4314 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- enlarged door opening to living, wall removed, new kitchen joinery |
BC23/132347 | 8 Trafalgar Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Bedroom addition and alterations to dwelling. |
BC23/132348 | 1171 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Construct new 363.6m2 two level pole shed workshop/storage shed |
BC24/132379 | 21 Ambury Place, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAddItns | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Renovation of existing bathroom. |
BC24/132387 | 7 F Hinau Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCNewDwel | BC New Dwelling - New single storey 3 bedroom house (SOL) |
BC24/132410 | 116 Ahu Ahu Road, KAITAKE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-Suspension bridge over the Whenuariki Stream, at the end of Lower Ahu Ahu Rd. |
BC24/132417 | 5 Hutchins Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Four, Two bedroom units with attached garages |
BC24/132418 | 120 Mamaku Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCSpecDWW | Other Residential/Farm-Install new Waste Water System for Future Dwelling |
BC24/132423 | 62 Awanui Street, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - House alterations and new attached double garage and 2 bedroom addition. |
BC24/132426 | 8 Onaero Beach Road, ONAERO, URENUI 4383 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132427 | 7 Beach Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - To relocate this second hand one bedroom dwelling to site as per the provided plans |
BC24/132435 | 41 Molesworth Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAptTwn | LARGE - Commercial - Additional three bedroom apartment added to the top of an existing building and alterations to level one (Stage Two) |
BC24/132436 | 6 C Beaumont Crescent, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Bedroom and ensuite addition (SOL) |
BC24/132449 | 7 Lincoln Road, INGLEWOOD 4389 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New 2 story detached dwelling |
BC24/132451 | 60 Somerset Street, BROOKLANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Internal dwelling alterations |
BC24/132456 | 26 Gardenia Avenue, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Convert existing garage into separate household unit |
BC24/132485 | 42 Saxton Road, UPPER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Garage with office space (SOL) |
BC24/132487 | 51 Manutahi Road, TARURUTANGI, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCOthrInd | Industrial - Addition of amenity room to existing shed. |
BC24/132492 | 24 Manurau Crescent, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling, attached garage |
BC24/132494 | 1916 Carrington Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm-New bedroom/living/kitchen extension |
BC24/132503 | 20 Bell Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewBuild | Other Residential/Farm - Pre built building fully lined no fixtures, future consent required to fit out |
BC24/132506 | 109 A Clemow Road, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - New Detached Garage and a small verandah to be provided between the existing dwelling and the new garage but will not be attached to existing dwelling and will be separated by at least 30mm. |
BC24/132509 | 26 Papawhero Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Detached Garage |
BC24/132537 | 129 South Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCEdChild | Community - Demolish lower area of roof on West side of building and rebuild as single monopitch roof. Replace cladding and windows directly above roof. Replace upper level membrane roofs. |
BC24/132552 | 6 Parsons Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm-Remove bath and replace with shower with a tray, update vanity and add a toilet to this bathroom & the original toilet will become part of an ensuite. The new toilet to be able to link into the original toilet system drain |
BC24/132554 | 144 Powderham Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetail | Other Residential/Farm - Plumbing work only to install accesible toilet and basins |
BC24/132560 | 18 Robe Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-Converting a first floor space in the Public Lobby area to a small Interview Room (approx. 4m2) |
BC24/132561 | 568 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Three bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132562 | 1170 Richmond Road, EVERETT PARK, INGLEWOOD 4389 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm- New Shed with toilet |
BC24/132563 | 36 C Gaine Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocation of tiny home (originally consented in 2015) including new foundations & plumbing / drainage. New stand alone verandah. |
BC24/132571 | 25 Ngamotu Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - replace the existing single detached garage with a new garage |
BC24/132572 | 20 Penrith Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Renovation of basement with added bathroom to be part of existing household unit and additional new one story tiny home |
BC24/132573 | 137 Veale Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alteration for new Kitchen and bedroom with new decking |
BC24/132574 | 33 Colson Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCOthrCom | Other Residential/Farm - The construction of a new building for The Junction reuse and recycling centre to operate out of. |
BC24/132579 | 33 Brown Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-Remove Existing shed, construct new 180m2 vehicle storage shed |
BC24/132581 | 239 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Existing garage with change of use & refitted into a 2 bedroom dwelling with a detached 3 car garage |
BC24/132583 | 28 Fernbrook Drive, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCSwimPool | Other Residential/Farm - Pool and Fencing |
BC24/132585 | 1 - 239 B Carrington Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - New Bathroom Layout, Additional Wc, Laundry In New Location, Access To Garage, Increase Opening Width Between Lounge And Kitchen, Replace Existing Kitchen |
BC24/132586 | 32 Brown Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two Bedroom Dwelling |
BC24/132590 | Te Arei Road East, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Two bedroom dwelling with attached one bedroom garage (SOL) |
BC24/132591 | 10 Cunningham Lane, OAKURA 4314 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Three Bedroom Dwelling with attached Double Garage (SOL) |
BC24/132591 | 10 Cunningham Lane, OAKURA 4314 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Three Bedroom Dwelling with attached Double Garage (SOL) |
BC24/132596 | 14 List Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Existing residential dwelling Work to include, partial re-clad and replacement / changes to lower floor and well as internal alterations, moving existing bathroom / laundry, kitchen, dining and living area and WC. Replacing upper floor structure / flooring due to new beams required and discovery of floor structure requiring improvements as well as addressing bracing of the lower floor. wood burning fire to be installed. |
BC24/132598 | 12 C Rimu Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to dwelling |
BC24/132599 | 42 Miro Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Demo of existing lean-to and build new lean-to and alter existing bathroom (SOL) |
BC24/132600 | 23 Standish Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Single-storey extension to an existing single-storey detached dwelling and a new detached double garage to the rear of the property |
BC24/132605 | 251 St Aubyn Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Stage 2, UNIT 4, a new 2 bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132606 | 120 A Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New two bedroom two bathroom multilevel dwelling with carport (SOL) |
BC24/132609 | 166 Mokau Road, URENUI 4377 | BCOthrComt | LARGE Community - STAGE ONE- Non habitable/occupiable. Demolition of majority of Te Aroha and a rebuild of new wharenui in it's place. Refurbishment and extension of the ablutions block and creating of link space between the two buildings. |
BC24/132610 | 1 - 29 Birdwood Avenue, MOTUROA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to dwelling |
BC24/132611 | 35 Dillon Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCSwimPool | Other Residential/Farm - New Pool and fencing |
BC24/132612 | 55 Dawson Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | LARGE Other Residential/Farm - Multi unit residential project broken to staged consents. This is stage 1 pertaining to earthworks, utility services trenches (power, fibre & domestic water and common area lighting cables), road shaping and surfacing, site retaining, building slabs including services beneath slabs. Site drainage and services are shown on separate Civil Engineering drawings. |
BC24/132613 | 124 Devon Street West, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-Change of use from Retail Space 3 to Hospitality Space, within existing White Hart complex |
BC24/132617 | 249 C Tukapa Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm-New 59.5m2 Garage |
BC24/132618 | 66 Ngamotu Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm-New sewage and water connections to the rear unit accessed from 1A Scott Street. Approval for the new connections into NPDC services have been granted SSC23/00055 and WAC23/00122 |
BC24/132619 | 409 Main North Road, URENUI 4383 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-Fire alarm panels replacement and emergency lighting and exit signage upgrade on two buildings on the site. |
BC24/132620 | 80 Norfolk Road Lower, INGLEWOOD 4388 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Four bedroom dwelling with , office and attached triple garage (SOL) |
BC24/132621 | 39 A Brookes Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Dwelling addition to rear of existing garage (SOL) |
BC24/132622 | Te Arei Road East, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - One bedroom plus office (secondary dwelling) |
BC24/132622 | Te Arei Road East, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - One bedroom plus office (secondary dwelling) |
BC24/132623 | 54 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCEdChild | Community - New windows, Re-design of part of the roof. New Roofing. Removing a chimney, replacing some rotten cladding (like for like), removing a high level window & infilling, rebuilding an internal gutter. |
BC24/132625 | 1 Struthers Place, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Proposed internal fitout for dental pratice |
BC24/132627 | 42 Connett Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOffice | Commercial - An Internal Office Fitout, demolish and addition of L1 Floor, Addition of Accessible stair, New Entry Door (Only piece of exterior works) |
BC24/132628 | 20 Beach Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Single 2 bedroom home and conversion of existing garage (SOL) |
BC24/132629 | 33 Cutfield Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCNewBuild | Commercial - New 315m2 office & workshop |
BC24/132630 | 11 Gill Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Existing loading / storage docks are to be enclosed with new exterior walls and doors. The entire elevation of the building will be re-framed and re-clad. New canopies over personnel doors. |
BC24/132632 | 58 Doralto Road, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate building within existing site. Minor alterations to interior |
BC24/132637 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Transportable three bedroom dwelling MG400 |
BC24/132638 | 67 A Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Workshop / Vehicle Garage |
BC24/132639 | 37 Dawson Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Construction of non load bearing walls, new furniture, painting and flooring throughout and amendments to our security system to suit. |
BC24/132640 | 2 - 133 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Conversion of garage to bedroom and addition of ensuite with shower, toilet and vanity (SOL) |
BC24/132641 | 361 Carrington Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrInd | Industrial - Seismic strengthening, updating alarms and minor renovations |
BC24/132643 | 26 A Birdwood Avenue, MOTUROA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - New Shed, 12x10m Concrete floor, Timber wall + roof framing. Steel portal in centre. |
BC24/132645 | 78 Tukapa Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations to the bathroom, laundry and hallway cupboard. |
BC24/132647 | 19 Umutekai Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Single level four bedroom detached dwelling with triple garage |
BC24/132648 | 74 B Bishop Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Metro Wee Curve Freestanding Wood burner |
BC24/132648 | 74 B Bishop Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Metro Wee Curve Freestanding Wood burner |
BC24/132649 | 295 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Inbuilt Metro Smart Insert Wood fire |
BC24/132650 | 51 Barrett Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | LARGE CONSENT - Other Residential/Farm - Two x Two storey town house blocks |
BC24/132657 | 49 Molesworth Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-Internal store rooms and bathrooms added to existing workshop space. Earthquake strengthening by Engineer |
BC24/132658 | 487 Kaipikari Road Upper, URENUI 4375 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Three bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132660 | 204 Kirihau Road, KORU, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Existing dwelling to be removed and replace with a two bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132664 | 82 Barrett Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Install new toilet and hand basin on the first floor |
BC24/132668 | 36 Tarahua Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm- Decommission existing septic tank, install/alter wastewater drain and connect to existing NPDC wastewater mains. |
BC24/132669 | 168 Vivian Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Convert study to bathroom, HWC to gas hot water |
BC24/132671 | 33 Barrett Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - New ensuite alteration and new tiled shower |
BC24/132673 | Smart Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocation of a two bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132674 | 4 Egmont Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Upgrading fire alarm systems |
BC24/132677 | 15 Hobson Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to dwelling including lift installation (SOL) |
BC24/132683 | 216 Mokau Road, URENUI 4377 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate Four bedroom detached dwelling |
BC24/132684 | 113 Courtenay Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRestrTav | Commercial - Alterations to building |
BC24/132685 | 5 Awanui Street, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132686 | 26 Third Avenue, URENUI 4377 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Second level deck extension |
BC24/132688 | 26 B Olson Street, EGMONT VILLAGE 4386 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/132690 | 11 Melrose Street, SPOTSWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCDecks | Other Residential/Farm-New elevated deck constructed at the northern end of the site. |
BC24/132691 | 3 C Amy Way, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm-Dwelling relocation. |
BC24/132693 | 55 Smart Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNonRes | Other Residential/Farm - Install necessary plumbing and drainage for site toilet shed |
BC24/132694 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Transportable three bedroom dwelling MG394 |
BC24/132695 | 19 D Shelter Grove, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to kitchen, laundry and WC to workshop |
BC24/132696 | 41 B Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Fencing and drainage for a 35,000L pool |
BC24/132697 | 120 Cutfield Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with double garage (SOL) |
BC24/132704 | 312 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Replace existing concrete block retaining that has failed with Timber SED Retaining Wall over 1.5m in height. |
BC24/132705 | 12 Ta Paora Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Remove old septic tank, soakage pit and remediate ground. Install new Stormwater Soakage trench. |
BC24/132706 | 28 Princes Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - 2 x double storey townhouses, blocks A & B |
BC24/132708 | 12 A Cracroft Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132708 | 12 A Cracroft Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132710 | 34 Parris Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Houseme transportable two bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132712 | 63 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - existing slab will be cut back and new footings/slab installed to reposition garage |
BC24/132713 | 33 Brown Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCOffice | Other Residential/Farm - Interior fit-out. The conversion of an existing storage area to offices |
BC24/132714 | 205 Ngamotu Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132715 | 5 Te Ara o Waiaroa, OAKURA 4314 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with double garage |
BC24/132717 | 26 Tokomaru Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Extension to dwelling |
BC24/132720 | 73 A Bishop Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm-Addition of bedroom & dining area |
BC24/132722 | 41 Sanders Avenue, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial-New fire exit door, landing and steps and illuminate exit signs in Block G |
BC24/132725 | 31 Fulford Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm-Additions and alterations to dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132726 | 43 Marama Crescent, SPOTSWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- ENABLE - Alterations to bathroom |
BC24/132727 | 12 Dudley Road Lower, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-bathroom and ensuite upgrades |
BC24/132730 | 8 Dixon Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm Installation of an Access Elevators lift and refurbishment of ensuite |
BC24/132732 | Ninia Road, PARAITE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/132733 | 41 Fernbrook Drive, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four Bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/132734 | 12 Hamblyn Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two storey four bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132735 | 163 A Heta Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to Workshop / Games Room to create new Bedroom |
BC24/132736 | 246 Richmond Road, LEPPERTON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - demolish the existing fire damaged home and replace it with a relocated dwelling - foundations and services only |
BC24/132737 | 1 Tawa Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Kent Logfire 2 inbuilt wood burner |
BC24/132740 | 104 Dorset Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Walk in Pantry addition off the kitchen |
BC24/132741 | 208 Ngatimaru Road, TIKORANGI, WAITARA 4383 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Masport Kaituna LEG free standing wood burner |
BC24/132745 | 62 Mould Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - living room addition |
BC24/132746 | 95 Centennial Avenue, WAITARA 4320 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback-Metro Smart Insert insert wood burner |
BC24/132747 | 9 Beaumont Crescent, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm-Houseme transportable one bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132748 | 8 Hurworth Road, HURWORTH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/132749 | 10 Frank Frethey Place, HIGHLANDS PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Bathroom upgraded |
BC24/132751 | 18 A Victoria Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Alterations to existing rumpus room and walk in wardrobe to bedroom |
BC24/132752 | 474 Hurford Road, HURFORD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCMinorW | Other Residential/Farm-Installation of a Narellan Serene 8 swimming pool. The consent is for fencing and drainage only. |
BC24/132753 | 45 B Nevada Drive, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Alterations to bathroom and bedroom |
BC24/132754 | 142 C De Havilland Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Installation of stormwater 300mm pipes to discharge stormwater into existing stormwater system |
BC24/132755 | 8 Grey Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - New 100mm PVC sewer lateral connection |
BC24/132757 | 12 London Terrace, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Metro Ambie 1 Free Standing Wood Fire |
BC24/132758 | 9 Oriental Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to dwelling |
BC24/132759 | 121 Poplar Grove, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Bathroom added to garage |
BC24/132760 | Egmont Road, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Single bedroom dwelling with large storage area |
BC24/132763 | Ngaro Road, INGLEWOOD 4390 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132764 | 27 Birdwood Avenue, MOTUROA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - single garage & existing bathroom layout revised. |
BC24/132765 | 65 Awai Road, TARURUTANGI, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Rotary Dairy Shed |
BC24/132766 | 107 Coronation Avenue, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCEdChild | Community - caretakers shed, tractor shed & hardstand area |
BC24/132767 | 10 Eliot Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (Town house 1) |
BC24/132768 | 10 Eliot Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three Bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (Town House 2) |
BC24/132769 | 23 Harris Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Install used Metro Smart Insert Woodburner |
BC24/132770 | 5 Sutton Road, ONAERO, URENUI 4383 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Alterations to existing bedroom to create a new ensuite. |
BC24/132771 | 383 Carrington Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-1 bedroom flat with attached garage and laundry for main house |
BC24/132774 | 20 Pukatea Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Two,Three bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132775 | 108 Heta Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-One bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132776 | 16 Sackville Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm-Two storey townhouse with double garage |
BC24/132777 | 4 Iwanui Close, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two Bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132777 | 4 Iwanui Close, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two Bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132779 | 3 Hurlstone Drive, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Temporary Display dwelling, no working drainage. |
BC24/132780 | 23 A Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with double garage |
BC24/132782 | 40 A Camellia Avenue, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCReloc | Other Residential/Farm - HouseMeTransportable 12.5x4.2 three bedroom dwelling relocated to site |
BC24/132783 | 95 B Princess Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Build a 8.0m x 9.0m Single pitch pole type shed |
BC24/132786 | 10 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm-Alterations & additions to dwelling |
BC24/132787 | 170 Brooklands Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Internal alterations |
BC24/132789 | 6 Harkness Rice Way, KORU, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm-One storey kit set garage. |
BC24/132790 | 69 Messenger Terrace, OAKURA 4314 | BCDecks | Other Residential/Farm-Remove existing cantilevered first floor deck and replace with new deck supported with a post. |
BC24/132791 | 222 Huatoki Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm-Relocate this second dwelling to site as per site plan |
BC24/132792 | 5 Glamis Avenue, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Kitchen and bathroom alteration within existing envelope |
BC24/132793 | 58 Wrantage Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm-Relocate consent for a new Transportable home |
BC24/132794 | 6 Manadon Street, SPOTSWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetail | Commercial - Refurbishment of existing supermarket |
BC24/132796 | 18 Mahoe Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Stage 2 – House B – Two bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132798 | 251 St Aubyn Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Stage three – Two, Two bedroom dwelllings |
BC24/132800 | 5 Hume Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - New Beam install |
BC24/132801 | 1 A Ngaio Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Addition of two storey, single garage, office, Bedroom, ensuite & living area. |
BC24/132804 | 577 Carrington Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Remove wall & replace existing fireplace with new metro LTD wee rad woodfire |
BC24/132805 | 63 Sunnyvale Street, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Steel Framed Garage 6.5mw x 9.0ml x 2.4mh |
BC24/132806 | 10 Onaero Beach Road, ONAERO, URENUI 4383 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - 15.6m x 9.0m Gable style pole type shed. |
BC24/132808 | 458 Lower Pitone Road, PITONE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - 12.0m x 12.0m Gable style pole type shed at 13.6m off the road boundary not the required 20m. |
BC24/132811 | 84 Manu Crescent, UPPER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Install Metro Smart Insert 15Kw Inbuilt woodfire |
BC24/132812 | 63 A Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage |
BC24/132813 | 73 C Heta Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Sanitary sewer and stormwater infrastructure for 8 lot subdivision |
BC24/132821 | 49 Record Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCSwimPool | Other Residential/Farm - Installation of a in-ground Narellan Symphony 11m Swimming Pool |
BC24/132822 | 123 Wairau Road, OAKURA 4314 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations |
BC24/132823 | 11 Tainui Terrace, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Install shower and vanity |
BC24/132827 | 29 Inland North Road, URENUI 4383 | BCSprtSoc | Community- Install new Type 4 Fire Alarm |
BC24/132828 | 919 Upland Road, EGMONT VILLAGE 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three Bedroom dwelling with double garage |
BC24/132829 | 852 Egmont Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom residence with attached garage |
BC24/132830 | 27 B Hamblyn Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Removal of existing internal stairs and install new domestic lift |
BC24/132832 | 16 La Salle Drive, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Re-clad - Reclad of Western wall only |
BC24/132833 | 6 Whenu Way, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - One bedroom tiny home with bathroom. kitchen, and study. |
BC24/132834 | 525 Ngatimaru Road, TIKORANGI, WAITARA 4383 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/132835 | 1757 Tarata Road, INGLEWOOD 4387 | BCOthrComt | Community- New accessible bathroom |
BC24/132837 | 250 C Courtenay Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Fire damaged dwelling repair |
BC24/132839 | 695 Carrington Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New 3 bedroom dwelling. |
BC24/132840 | 1292 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Construction of 180m2 shed |
BC24/132841 | 15 A Woodleigh Street, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with garage |
BC24/132842 | 1 - 133 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Dwelling alterations and additions |
BC24/132843 | 18 Princess Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - P-Block, demolition, alterations and additions |
BC24/132844 | 7 Te Ara o Waiaroa, OAKURA 4314 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage |
BC24/132847 | 158 Lincoln Road, INGLEWOOD 4389 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two storey Three bedroom utility Shed with habitable fitout in one end with Metro Xtreme Rad Base Freestanding Woodfire |
BC24/132848 | 44 Cameron Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two storey, three bedroom dwelling with double garage |
BC24/132849 | 18 Glen Almond Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Garage |
BC24/132850 | 6 A Arawa Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom, double garage dwelling |
BC24/132851 | 67 Grey Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Single story two bedroom dwelling |
BC24/132852 | 27 A David Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCHospital | Community - Damaged Fire Door Replacement |
BC24/132853 | 518 Alfred Road, KAIMIRO 4371 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocated three bedroom dwelling connections including stormwater & wastewater, foundations, decks, steps and base cladding. |
BC24/132854 | 15 Silby Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Double Garage |
BC24/132855 | 58 Dixon Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm -New Garage |
BC24/132856 | 172 Lemon Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - New Funeral services office building and associated site works. |
BC24/132857 | 16 Mouatt Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - addition of a laundry room |
BC24/132858 | 7 D Waterloo Place, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations and additions |
BC24/132859 | 44 McFarlane Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - New 45m² Sleepout and internal alterations to dwelling |
BC24/132861 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom transportable MG402 |
BC24/132865 | 129 Coronation Avenue, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two blocks of two storey units, 8 x two bedroom units |
BC24/132866 | 13 Hudson Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrInd | Industrial - Internal alterations |
BC24/132867 | 1 Bayly Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrComt | Community - Ngati Te Whiti Ngamotu Marae consisting of 3 buildings, Block A Wharenui, Block B Ablutions facility & Block C Wharekai. |
BC24/132868 | 69 McGiven Drive, RIDGEWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - New poles shed with home gym & bathroom |
BC24/132869 | 20 Powderham Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - New lift to existing lift location in the Downtown carpark |
BC24/132870 | 91 Mill Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - New ensuite and minor alterations |
BC24/132871 | 9 Te Arakete Place, HURWORTH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Verandah addition to existing deck area |
BC24/132872 | 2 - 17 Whiteley Street, MOTUROA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Interior home alterations |
BC24/132873 | 10 Rangitake Drive, SPOTSWOOD, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Extension to dwelling for proposed kitchen |
BC24/132875 | 427 Richmond Road, LEPPERTON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New 3 bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132876 | 8 B Longview Drive, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Enable - Bathroom alterations |
BC24/132877 | 258 Coronation Avenue, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - New detached single garage |
BC24/132878 | 258 Coronation Avenue, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New two bedroom dwelling with attached single garage |
BC24/132879 | 221 Albert Road, EGMONT VILLAGE 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New four bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132882 | 7 Tainui Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Build a 12.0m x 9.0m Single pitch pole type shed |
BC24/132886 | 8 The Terrace, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Studio tiny house (SOL) |
BC24/132888 | 22 Budleigh Street, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three-bedroom single story dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132889 | 9 Hursthouse Street, VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm Internal Alterations including plumbing and drainage |
BC24/132890 | 39 Maire Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two new detached dwellings and demo of existing garage |
BC24/132892 | 227 Dorset Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Additions and alterations to dwelling. |
BC24/132895 | 1627 Otaraoa Road, WAITARA 4383 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate dwelling to site |
BC24/132896 | 25 A Heta Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two detached dwellings |
BC24/132898 | 14 A Veale Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Ensuite Renovations |
BC24/132901 | 121 Wills Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New three bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132902 | 738 South Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Construct two conference rooms within existing winery on Lower floor of building |
BC24/132903 | 692 Upland Road, EGMONT VILLAGE 4372 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Pioneer Metro Wee Rad Woody Freestanding Woodfire |
BC24/132904 | 2 Birdwood Avenue, MOTUROA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - New three bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132906 | 123 Gill Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Alteration to a commercial building |
BC24/132907 | 33 Allan Road, BURGESS PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Internal dwelling alterations |
BC24/132909 | 16 Karamu Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Addition to Living area & scullery addition |
BC24/132911 | 786 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom dwelling with garage (SOL) |
BC24/132914 | 227 A Tukapa Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/132917 | 324 Paraite Road, PARAITE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - 6m x 8m KiwiSpan shed |
BC24/132918 | 21 A Hamblyn Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Major alterations to the existing house |
BC24/132919 | 8 Burton Street, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Internal alterations, new fire wall added and change of use. |
BC24/132921 | 81 E Huatoki Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Internal Kitchen and entry renovation including three new exterior openings |
BC24/132923 | 801 Dudley Road Upper, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocation of one three bedroom dwelling and one two bedroom dwelling. |
BC24/132925 | 81 Airport Drive, NEW PLYMOUTH AIRPORT, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - New Garage |
BC24/132926 | 2 Pike Place, FERNDALE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/132927 | 31 B Omata Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - New Bathroom alteration |
BC24/132928 | 1 Maranui Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Addition to dwelling, bedroom & ensuite |
BC24/132930 | 55 Dawson Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - LARGE – Stage Two - 14 one bedroom apartments |
BC24/132932 | 26 B Maranui Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Dwelling alterations to laundry,bathroom and ensuite and replace some cladding and roofing |
BC24/132933 | 52 Carthew Street, OKATO 4335 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Install a secondary wastewater system to accommodate the existing dwelling, as well as two x temporary movable caravans. |
BC24/132935 | 47 Paynters Avenue, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Internal alterations |
BC24/132937 | 1033 Tarata Road, INGLEWOOD 4387 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback- Metro Smart Insert LTD inbuilt wood fire |
BC24/132939 | 107 Coronation Avenue, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCEdChild | Commercial - The existing Caretakers Workshop is to be extended and altered |
BC24/132940 | 25 Swans Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Office and workshop |
BC24/132940 | 25 Swans Road, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Office and workshop |
BC24/132942 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewBuild | Community - Transportable two bedroom cabin MG405 |
BC24/132943 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewBuild | Community - Transportable two bedroom cabin MG406 |
BC24/132944 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewBuild | Community - Transportable two bedroom cabin MG404 |
BC24/132945 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewBuild | Community - Transportable two bedroom cabin MG407 |
BC24/132946 | 551 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Dwelling Alterations |
BC24/132946 | 551 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Dwelling Alterations |
BC24/132947 | 266 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Move dwelling to rear of section with additions and alterations |
BC24/132948 | 691 Devon Road, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCHeavyCom | Industrial - 900m2 storage building |
BC24/132950 | 19 Plympton Street, BROOKLANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Garage with wastewater drainage for future washroom |
BC24/132951 | 563 Plymouth Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Metro LTD Mega Rad Free standing wood fire |
BC24/132952 | 3 Victoria Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with an attached two car garage (SOL) |
BC24/132953 | 9 Winstone Place, HIGHLANDS PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - ENABLE - Bathroom alterations. Replacing internal doors |
BC24/132954 | 65 E Govett Avenue, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Relining rooms, new bathroom |
BC24/132956 | 758 Durham Road Upper, INGLEWOOD 4388 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Replacing old farm bridge with new one. Location has changed |
BC24/132957 | 205 Henwood Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Five bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/132958 | 35 A Trafalgar Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Removing load bearing walls |
BC24/132960 | 13 Victoria Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling (SOL) |
BC24/132961 | 454 St Aubyn Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - New 100mm PVC sewer lateral to drain sewage from the two existing houses at 452 and 454 St Aubyn Street. |
BC24/132963 | 30 - 71 Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Refurbishment of an existing bathroom include new shower location and new toilet in the bathroom – Townhouse 30 |
BC24/132965 | 15 Rimu Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations |
BC24/132966 | 65 Cracroft Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations and new joinery, remedial work to rusticated weatherboard |
BC24/132967 | 21 Airport Drive, NEW PLYMOUTH AIRPORT, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached garage (SOL) |
BC24/132968 | 1880 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/132969 | 21 Gilmour Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Construct a 2m high retaining wall at rear of property, Backfill with Taranaki Ash |
BC24/132970 | 583 Kent Road, KORITO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/132971 | 70 Lower King Road, TARURUTANGI, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Masport R1200 Free Standing Wood Fire |
BC24/132972 | 73 A Heta Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Metro Extreme Rad Leg Free Standing Wood Fire |
BC24/132973 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Transportable three bedroom dwelling MG410 |
BC24/132974 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Transportable three bedroom dwelling MG409 |
BC24/132976 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Transportable two bedroom dwelling MG408 |
BC24/132979 | 44 Cameron Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two-level, three bedroom dwelling with double garage |
BC24/132980 | 7 Onaero Beach Road, ONAERO, URENUI 4383 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Freestanding Metro Raad Extreme Woodfire |
BC24/132981 | 590 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - 16 m x 10 Shed with toilet and shower |
BC24/132982 | 20 Bell Street, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCEdChild | Assembly Care - E Block: Heating replacement, exit signage and emergency lighting upgrade, L Block: Heating replacement, exit signage and emergency lighting upgrade and boiler removal. |
BC24/132983 | 21 The Outlook, OAKURA 4314 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - New Pool and Gate |
BC24/132984 | 441 Frankley Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - New pool and fencing |
BC24/132985 | 549 Mataro Road, URENUI 4375 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback- Firenzo Topaz Inbuilt RU inbuilt Wood burner |
BC24/132986 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Transportable three bedroom dwelling MG411 |
BC24/132988 | 59 A Manu Crescent, UPPER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - New bathroom layout with tiled shower |
BC24/132993 | 1790 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Construct a 9m x 7.2m steel frame shed |
BC24/132994 | 107 Morley Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Create new master bedroom ensuite, second toilet to be connected, shower and vanity. |
BC24/132997 | 83 Cook Street, MARFELL, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations and demolition of existing covered deck and rebuild of new covered deck |
BC24/132999 | 2 Snell Road, TIKORANGI, WAITARA 4383 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Construct a 9x6m steel frame shed |
BC24/133001 | 42 Record Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Install home hair salon including backflow preventers. |
BC24/133002 | 250 B Courtenay Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Reinstate the fire damaged dwelling |
BC24/133004 | 8 Wicksteed Street, VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Bathroom renovation |
BC24/133007 | 4 Lynton Street, UPPER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Change of use to existing building and relocate dwelling to rear of site. |
BC24/133008 | 50 Maratahu Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Add a lift to the existing dwelling |
BC24/133009 | 76 Lemon Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Extension for bigger bathroom, laundry and bedroom |
BC24/133010 | 38 Paynters Avenue, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - 9x6m garage |
BC24/133012 | 229 Henwood Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Dwelling alterations and additions |
BC24/133017 | 356 Ngatimaru Road, TIKORANGI, WAITARA 4383 | BCEdChild | Community - Classroom and foyer alterations |
BC24/133018 | 11 A Camden Street, VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate Three bedroom dwelling |
BC24/133018 | 11 A Camden Street, VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate Three bedroom dwelling |
BC24/133019 | 15 Fox Street, OKATO 4335 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - Construct a 9x6m steel frame shed |
BC24/133020 | 537 South Road, OMATA, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with attached garage, Fibreglass swimming pool and retaining walls |
BC24/133021 | 49 Donnelly Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Double garage workshop |
BC24/133022 | 17 A Skinner Street, BLAGDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/133023 | 7 A Wheeler Place, UPPER VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/133025 | 10 Te Arei Road West, NEW PLYMOUTH 4373 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling, with office and attached double garage |
BC24/133026 | 78 - 71 Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Refurbishment work to an existing Townhouse 78 |
BC24/133028 | 58 Katere Road, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrInd | Commercial- Extension to existing building |
BC24/133030 | 71 Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Refurbishment work to an existing Townhouse 32 |
BC24/133031 | 459 Devon Street West, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Recladding northern facade of building with Exon panel due to existing shadowclad plywood delaminating. |
BC24/133032 | 6 Hussey Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Conversion of the garage space into a habitable space |
BC24/133033 | Umutekai Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage (38A) (SOL) |
BC24/133035 | 1428 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (SOL) |
BC24/133037 | 588 A Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Revised kitchen layout |
BC24/133038 | 162 B South Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm-Decommission existing septic tank, Connect existing sewer to new line |
BC24/133039 | 216 Plymouth Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Three bedroom dwelling |
BC24/133041 | 54 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Complete re-cladding, re-glazing and re-roofing of the gym building |
BC24/133042 | 12 Rawiri Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Single bedroom detached sleepout |
BC24/133044 | 4 - 30 Aubrey Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- ENABLE - Bathroom modifcation |
BC24/133046 | 179 Dorset Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCReloc | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate a two bedroom house and construct a garage. |
BC24/133048 | 842 Egmont Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage |
BC24/133049 | 9 B Normanby Street, FITZROY, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alteration of basement to bedrooms and family room |
BC24/133050 | 277 Hampton Road, OKATO 4381 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Install septic tank and evaporation bed |
BC24/133052 | 3 Burns Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Retaining Wall |
BC24/133053 | 5 Burns Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Retaining Wall |
BC24/133054 | 646 Devon Road, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Stormwater soak pit |
BC24/133055 | 36 C Shelter Grove, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident, BCOthrNoHb | BC Residential - Swimming Pool |
BC24/133057 | 28 Maratahu Street, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Re-clad - Replacing the existing plaster/concrete wall cladding to the house with vertical corrugated cladding and timber board/plank. |
BC24/133058 | 57 Dillon Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Single pitch pole type shed 1.2m and 1.3m off the side and rear boundary's |
BC24/133060 | James Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/133063 | 124 A Govett Avenue, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Remove post and install new verandah beam. New aluminium conservatory |
BC24/133064 | 142 King Road, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/133064 | 142 King Road, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/133067 | 31 Hamblyn Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - New Pool Fencing |
BC24/133068 | 4 Tuiti Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCFreestd | Freestanding Metro Wee Rad on Legs Clean Air Woodburner |
BC24/133070 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | New Dwelling - Transportable home from the bearers up MG412 Thorpe |
BC24/133071 | 10 A Mayfair Place, WESTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Internal alterations |
BC24/133072 | 1 B Roto Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Excavating under the first floor of the building to increase the size of the basement. |
BC24/133076 | 38 Cowling Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Internal Alteration |
BC24/133077 | 11 Bosworth Street, EGMONT VILLAGE 4372 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom dwelling |
BC24/133078 | 1377 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCOthrNoHb | Residential/Farm - 12m X 25m xspan shed |
BC24/133080 | 1135 Richmond Road, EVERETT PARK, INGLEWOOD 4389 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Interior alterations |
BC24/133081 | 90 Hurlstone Drive, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - New office space to the existing mezzanine floor |
BC24/133082 | 104 Pitt Road, HILLSBOROUGH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Renovation of bathroom and additional WC |
BC24/133084 | 17 Cooke Farm Grove, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - One bedroom Tiny home |
BC24/133085 | 34 A Alberta Road, GLEN AVON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Walk in wardrobe, desk, bathroom with new bath, WC and Laundry tub |
BC24/133086 | 173 St Aubyn Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Stage 1 enabling work for a 16-unit multi-residential development. Stage 1 includes civil and structural mass concrete foundation works only. Slab construction to be covered under stage 2 application. |
BC24/133087 | 188 A Ahu Ahu Road, KAITAKE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Hallway and bedroom extension to existing 4 bedroom dwelling & swimming pool, in ground, with fences and two gates. |
BC24/133088 | 11 Pratt Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate dwelling and alterations |
BC24/133088 | 11 Pratt Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate dwelling and alterations |
BC24/133090 | 14 Salcombe Terrace, WELBOURN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Extension from existing dwelling |
BC24/133093 | 189 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - New free-standing timber framed deck and stairs |
BC24/133094 | 4 Wakaiwa Drive, BELL BLOCK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- 2 Bedroom dwelling |
BC24/133095 | 10 Lorna Street, LYNMOUTH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm- Remove wall & add ceiling beam |
BC24/133098 | 29 A Tarahua Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrComt | Community- New accessible toilet |
BC24/133103 | 2 Sandel Rise, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom dwelling with attached single garage |
BC24/133104 | 11 Adam Lile Drive, HIGHLANDS PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Install Firenzo Contessa Free Standing Wood Fire |
BC24/133106 | 40 A McFarlane Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCFences | Other Residential/Farm - Fence and waste water only (for pool less than 35000L) |
BC24/133108 | 50 Pendarves Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Maxen Forbury 550 Insert Woodfire |
BC24/133110 | 2083 Egmont Road, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with double garage and single garage |
BC24/133111 | 593 Inland North Road, URENUI 4383 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate second hand dwelling to site as per site plan |
BC24/133112 | 285 St Aubyn Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetail | Commercial - Removal of selected exterior windows and cladding and replacement with new windows and cladding |
BC24/133113 | 108 B Pioneer Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom dwelling (future Lot 2) |
BC24/133115 | 1 Mill Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Detached two story, three bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/133116 | 1 Rimu Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFences | Other Residential/Farm - Swimming pool fencing |
BC24/133117 | 82 Huatoki Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Metro Eco Smart insert wood burner |
BC24/133122 | 21 Hori Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Plumbing for a new toilet, shower and sink |
BC24/133124 | 1 - 91 D Karina Road, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Four bedroom dwelling with basement garage |
BC24/133125 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | New Dwelling - Brand new transportable home MG414 |
BC24/133126 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm -Transportable three-bedroom dwelling MG413 |
BC24/133127 | 51 Upjohn Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Removal of wall and installation of beam. Relocation of the freestanding Metro Tiny Ped wood burner. |
BC24/133128 | 169 Egmont Road, INGLEWOOD 4651 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Temporary transportable two bedroom dwelling to be relocated to another site. |
BC24/133129 | 59 Seymour Street, WAITARA 4320 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Nectre Big Bakers Oven Free standing wood burner |
BC24/133130 | 96 Fulford Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCSwimPool | Other Residential/Farm - Construction of a pool |
BC24/133131 | 272 Upland Road, TARURUTANGI, NEW PLYMOUTH 4372 | BCOthrNoHb | Other Residential/Farm - 16m x 9m 4 bay pole shed |
BC24/133132 | 152 A Brooklands Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Re-clad second storey of existing dwelling. |
BC24/133133 | 146 Ngamotu Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - timber retaining wall |
BC24/133137 | 361 Tukapa Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm- Detached double garage on an existing concrete pad |
BC24/133138 | 44 Glenpark Avenue, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCInbuilt | Inbuilt/Wetback - Woodsman Totara insert woodburner |
BC24/133140 | 28 Tarahua Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Decommission existing septic tanks to 26 and 28 Tarahua Road, Install new horizontal drilled 100mm sewer line to existing NPDC sewer connection |
BC24/133141 | 1250 Mangorei Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Two bedroom secondary dwelling |
BC24/133144 | 29 Annandale Street, LYNMOUTH, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCRetainWl | Other Residential/Farm - Replace timber wall with a steel UC retaining wall |
BC24/133146 | Johns Road, INGLEWOOD 4388 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm - Three bedroom dwelling with attached garage |
BC24/133148 | 24 A Elliot Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCResident | Other Residential/Farm - Relocate existing dwelling - foundations and services only |
BC24/133151 | 114 Rata Street, INGLEWOOD 4330 | BCOthrInd | Industrial - Two new roller doors to workshop |
BC24/133152 | 47 Cumberland Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm- Close in an existing patio with veranda overtop to form two new wardrobes |
BC24/133153 | 31 Lawry Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm-Install sliding exterior door and freestanding wood fire |
BC24/133154 | 198 Breakwater Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Other Commercial- Six Modules transportable outbuildings - MG415 to MG420 |
BC24/133157 | 18 C Montana Place, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Shower room to basement floor plan |
BC24/133158 | 2 Byron Place, WHALERS GATE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Renovation of existing dwelling & new cladding surrounding |
BC24/133162 | 20 Miro Street, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Removing internal walls and new beams in roof space |
BC24/133171 | 1038 Carrington Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4371 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - Garage |
BC24/133172 | 558 Devon Street East, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCLightCom | Commercial - Three plumbing fixtures to be added |
BC24/133174 | 130 D Wairau Road, OAKURA 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (Future Lot 1 from SUB23/48157.01) |
BC24/133174 | 130 D Wairau Road, OAKURA 4374 | BCNewDwel | Other Residential/Farm- Three bedroom dwelling with attached double garage (Future Lot 1 from SUB23/48157.01) |
BC24/133176 | 176 Govett Avenue, FRANKLEIGH PARK, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Re-clad of the East wall with new rusticated weatherboard to match existing |
BC24/133178 | 13 A John Guthrie Place, MERRILANDS, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCAddItns | Other Residential/Farm - Additional bedroom & ensuite |
BC24/133180 | 2 - 71 Barrett Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Refurbish existing Townhouse 23. |
BC24/133182 | 563 Plymouth Road, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCFreestd | Freestanding-Metro LTD Mega Rad Freestanding Woodfire |
BC24/133183 | 17 Linda Street, OAKURA 4314 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alterations to bathroom and laundry |
BC24/133184 | 481 Otaraoa Road, WAITARA 4383 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Alteration to bathroom area |
BC24/133187 | 1 - 9 Hine Street, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Renovations to two bedroom dwelling with ensuite and entry additions |
BC24/133189 | 3 Hamblyn Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Yunca Monte Euro Woodfire |
BC24/133189 | 3 Hamblyn Street, STRANDON, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Yunca Monte Euro Woodfire |
BC24/133191 | 196 Devon Street East, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCOthrCom | Commercial - Reclad to part of North elevation |
BC24/133192 | 56 Richmond Road, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4373 | BCAdd&Alt | Other Residential/Farm - Open up living space to form new ensuite. |
BC24/133193 | Rifle Range Road, WAIWHAKAIHO, NEW PLYMOUTH 4312 | BCOthrCom | Commercial- Minor internal layout and drainage changes plus additional doors to external envelope of dog pound facility. |
BC24/133205 | 12 A Broadmore Street, VOGELTOWN, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Other Residential/Farm - Replacing the current tiled shower with a new acrylic shower and addition of a second toilet. |
BC24/133215 | 305 Ahu Ahu Road, KAITAKE, NEW PLYMOUTH 4374 | BCGarage | Other Residential/Farm - 79.2m² single level shed |
BC24/133221 | 50 Lepper Road Upper, INGLEWOOD 4386 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Hunter stove Herald 80B Freestanding Woodfire |
BC24/133225 | 161 Raleigh Street, BRIXTON, WAITARA 4382 | BCFreestd | Freestanding - Freestanding Finenzo Lady Kitchener Woodfire |
BC24/133246 | 15 Kawaroa Close, NEW PLYMOUTH 4310 | BCalter | Internal Dwelling Alterations - Bathroom alterations |