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Community board plans

Community boards represent the interests of their local community. They consider and report on matters referred to them by the Council and maintain an overview of Council services to the community.

We have five community boards in New Plymouth District: Clifton, Inglewood, Waitara, Kaitake and Puketapu-Bell Block. 

The Community Board Plans have been developed by each community board in consultation with their community. They highlight each board's vision and community issues and aspirations for investment or action. 

The purpose of these plans is to build on the New Plymouth District Blueprint and facilitate a more integrated approach to planning, infrastructure development and community development in the community board areas. Development of the plans has been successful in encouraging grassroots engagement in our statutory planning and governance processes. 

The plans are being reviewed.  Feedback has now closed on all the plans. 

Follow the survey links below for our Community Board plans.