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Under the National Policy Statement 2020 (NPS-UD), the New Plymouth district is identified as a tier 2 urban environment. Both Taranaki Regional Council and the New Plymouth District Council have a statutory responsibility as tier 2 local authorities to prepare a Housing and Business Capacity Assessment (HBCA) for the New Plymouth district. As part of this requirement, the HBCA must quantify the development capacity to meet the expected demand for housing and business land over a 30-year period.
Both Councils are required to complete a HBCAs every three years. This mandated timeframe, offers a robust, thorough, and regularly updated foundation of evidence to guide and inform decisions related to development capacity, and planning for housing and business in the district.
Housing and Business Capacity Assessment 2024
The NPS-UD also requires us to regularly monitor and update the HBCA data. We monitor the data on a quarterly basis and publish an annual report that details. Every tier 1, 2, and 3 local authority must monitor, quarterly, the following in relation to each urban environment in their region or district:
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Page last updated: 11:52pm Tue 05 March 2024