Holiday period opening hours
Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours.
Waitara Alive has requested the closure of the
following roads to conduct Americarna Waitara.
Date and period of closure: from 10am to
4.30pm on Thursday 20 February 2025.
Roads to be closed:
McLean Street from Cracroft Street to West
Warre Street from McLean to Parris streets.
Queen Street from Wrights Lane to Parris
Dowding Place.
Bank Street.
Watson Lane.
Domett Street from Ogle to Parris streets.
Grey Street from McLean to Parris streets.
Browne Street from McLean to Parris streets.
Memorial Place.
The application is being considered under the
Transport (Vehicular Traffic Road Closure)
Regulations 1965. Submissions to the closure
should reach New Plymouth District Council by
4pm on 20 December 2024.
Submissions must be made on the road closure
form, or by contacting the
Council on 06-759 6060 or
Emergency vehicles will have unrestricted access
at all times.
During the proposed period of closure, an
approved traffic management plan will provide for
ordinary vehicular traffic which would otherwise
use the roads.
Page last updated: 08:45am Thu 05 December 2024