Holiday period opening hours
Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours.
On 23 September 2019 Council notified its Proposed New Plymouth District Plan which includes designations requested by requiring authorities. Submissions were received and a hearing was held. On 13 May 2023 Council made recommendations to the requiring authorities as to whether their designations should be included in the Proposed New Plymouth District Plan or not. All requiring authorities have since advised Council of their decisions in respect to their designations.
Council has written to submitters and affected landowners and occupiers advising them of the decisions. Only those who made a submission or further submission on a designation have the right to appeal the decision to the Environment Court.
The Council’s Recommendation Report and the decisions received from each requiring authority may be viewed on the NPDC website:
If you have any questions please email
Page last updated: 02:57pm Thu 31 August 2023