Holiday period opening hours
Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours.
Six New Plymouth district streets have new signs featuring a poppy as part of a nationwide initiative to remember those people who served in World War I and World War II.
NPDC has worked with the NZ Poppy Places Trust and Puke Ariki’s Taranaki Research Centre to select the following streets to have the new signs, each of which has a connection to New Zealand’s war efforts overseas:
New Plymouth RSA President Graham Chard said it’s great to acknowledge and remember Taranaki’s veterans.
“It’s really important that we remember the heritage of past military personnel who have contributed to the freedoms and lifestyle we have now.
“It’s cool that New Plymouth District Council has got on board of this waka and are recognising these names.”
NPDC’s Contract Manager (Urban) Alan Stenner said the new street signs cement an important part of New Zealand’s history.
“We are delighted that we have been able to introduce Poppy Places into our network and remind the community of the veterans who served our country.”
Puke Ariki’s Taranaki Research Centre has a huge collection of stories called Word on the Street, which explores the origins of Taranaki street names. Click here to find out more information.
Fast Facts
Page last updated: 11:55am Wed 11 September 2024