Holiday period opening hours
Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours.
If you know someone who has given years of service to our community, demonstrates leadership or inspires others through their efforts or sacrifice - nominate them for the NPDC Citizens’ or NPDC Youth awards.
Nominations are now open for the two awards, which aim to recognise those unsung heroes that make our community tick, who help and inspire others and make a significant contribution to the wellbeing of the district.
“It’s always special to meet the people who go above and beyond for our district and these awards are just one of the ways we can repay and acknowledge them for the tremendous work they do in our community,” says New Plymouth District Mayor Neil Holdom.
“I am particularly excited with the introduction of the new Youth Awards this year to recognise those outstanding 12 to 24-year-olds who don’t meet the long service criteria of the Citizens’ Awards but are doing some great things that deserve to be recognised.
“The awards are a great way to celebrate the unsung heroes in the district who help make our place great, so if you know someone who is an everyday hero, works tirelessly behind the scenes, or goes the extra mile to help out, no matter how big or small, make sure you put a nomination in,” says Mayor Holdom.
Established in 1979, the annual Citizens’ Awards recognise up to 12 ‘local legends’ across a range of fields while the new Youth Awards will recognise up to three people.
Go to our website for criteria and to submit a nomination. You can also pick up a form from NPDC’s Civic Centre in Liardet St, or Puke Ariki and community libraries or email
Nominations close 5pm, Friday 24 May with the recipients announced at an event in July.
Page last updated: 09:54am Fri 19 April 2024