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Funding available for your Zero Waste idea!

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NPDC wants to hear about your idea for reducing waste in your business, organisation or community – and there’s funding available to give you a kick-start.

The Zero Waste Fund supports innovative community projects that will help Taranaki achieve its vision of Zero Waste, and applications for this round are open until 31 March.

NPDC has given out more than $130,000 in six years to help our district cut back on waste.

“The range of projects we’ve supported has been remarkable,” says NPDC Manager Resource Recovery Kimberley Hope. “We’ve seen perfectly good food being diverted from landfill and redistributed to the community, nappy waste reduced, workshops on reducing lunchbox waste – even support to reuse wood off-cuts and better training for fibreglass cutting to make the most of the material.

“Other projects have enabled recycling bins to be installed and the development of community composting initiatives.

“We’re interested in big ideas and small; new initiatives and those that expand the scope of existing systems or services. Get your funding application in before the end of the month and we’ll see if we can support it.”

Money for the fund comes from the Government’s Waste Levy.

If you’re keen to get an idea off the ground, fill out an application form here.

Fast facts:

  • NPDC’s Zero Waste initiative has the aspirational goal of no waste from New Plymouth District residents and businesses going to landfill by 2040.
  • In 2020/21, New Plymouth District recovered 9,082 tonnes of recycling and organics at the kerbside – up from the 5,000 tonnes recovered in 2016/17.