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NPDC extends car seat recycling scheme after successful trial

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A trial programme enabling families to recycle broken or expired car seats for free has been so successful, NPDC is extending it for 12 months.


The cost of recycling the seats is covered by NPDC’s Waste Levy Fund and during the three-month pilot, 100 seats we recycled.


“That’s a lot of material that’s been kept out of the landfill and will instead be recycled in various ways,” says NPDC Resource Recovery Manager Kimberley Hope.


“We have a goal of recycling another 300 car seats in the next 12 months.”


NPDC is partnering with Baby on the Move in Inglewood, where the seats can be dropped off before they are sent to SeatSmart to be recycled.


Car seats are made of many plastic parts, so the extension is timely as we head to the tail end of the international Plastic-Free July campaign. 

Throughout the month, residents are encouraged to make one small change around the home or work by swapping out a plastic item for a reusable one.


“It could be as simple as carrying a reusable water bottle, putting sandwiches in a lunchbox instead of plastic wrap, taking reusable fruit and vegie bags to the supermarket.


Having reusable food containers and cups when heading out for lunch or a takeaway coffee also helps cut back on waste,” says Kimberley.

“The less plastic we use for everyday activities, the less that will end up in the landfill – every little bit adds up.”


We also supported local artist Lorella Doherty’s exhibition, 100 Days of Beach Cleans, held earlier in the month.


Lorella received a grant from the NPDC Zero Waste Fund for the show which featured created from plastic she had collected from beaches over 100 days.


Fast facts

  • NPDC’s zero-waste initiative has the ambitious goal of no waste from New Plymouth District residents and businesses going to landfill.
  • NPDC’s Zero Waste Fund opens twice a year in March and September to fund projects that that promote, educate, or achieve waste minimisation in New Plymouth District.


Caption: Leanne Vickers from Baby on the Move in Inglewood.