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New Plymouth District Mayor Neil Holdom has released NPDC’s draft 10-year Plan focused on investment in core infrastructure to future-proof the district, improve efficiency, grow non-rates revenue and deliver measurable environmental performance.
Discussion on what to include in the $3 billion draft 10-year Plan 2024-2034 is the focus of the Council meeting on 12 and 13 December, as the organisation grapples with the ongoing impacts of global economic turmoil that has seen costs skyrocketing for everyone.
“We have a draft plan which we want people in New Plymouth district to read and understand. Then we want to hear what the people we serve think about our plans, what are our community’s collective priorities and aspirations and where people believe we could do better.”
Holdom said the Council’s focus is on finding the balance between the need to keep rates affordable with investment in critical infrastructure and initiatives that help keep the district on course to achieving the vision of a Sustainable Lifestyle Capital.
“The global fiscal downturn, construction inflation at record levels, interest rates rising, and the cost-of-living crisis has put huge pressure on everyone, and we have to strike the balance between rates affordability and the need to adequately maintain and grow our core infrastructure to service current and future generations.
“Council is restructuring to align our organisation with our strategy. These changes will ensure we are set up for the changes coming, can better deliver services and investments in our core infrastructure while achieving operational efficiencies of around $100m over the next 10 years.”
Based on current proposals, an average residential rate increase of 9.9% is identified in year one, and around 6.9 % in year two. But the Mayor expects that is likely to change as tough decisions are made on what’s in or out of the plan.
“We are reassessing our priorities, taking a more commercial approach by considering where can we generate more non-rates revenue, capture the benefits of growth, work in partnership with mana whenua and deliver better long-term community outcomes.”
The Mayoral recommendation for the next 10 years is built around five objectives:
Future-proofing our district:
Community development
Paying something forward
A copy of the agenda is available.
12 December 2023
Mayor and Councillors to make interim decisions on draft 10-Year Plan 2024-2034.
February 2024
Mayor and Councillors will adopt the draft consultation document to go out for public consultation.
March 2024
Public feedback sought on draft 10-Year Plan 2024-2034.
June 2024
Mayor and Councillors adopt final plan.
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Page last updated: 02:00pm Thu 14 December 2023