Holiday period opening hours
Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours.
The New Plymouth District Council’s internal operations are under review, with a focus on transformative change.
Chief Executive Gareth Green said the Council’s staff were informed of the review today, and staff consultation would start this month.
The decision for a review of the organisation’s internal operations and structure had become clear since Mr Green started at NPDC in March 2023; in that time identifying the need for greater efficiencies, cost savings and process improvements.
“Since my appointment, I’ve been tasked with ensuring that our organisation is fit-for-purpose, with the right resources, skills, and means to get the job done - delivering a programme of work that cements New Plymouth as a lifestyle capital.”
It had become clear through internal and external feedback that there was a disconnect between the organisation’s structure, its work priorities, strategic delivery, accountability, and collaboration. This was affecting some programmes of work from being delivered successfully on behalf of the community, and to align with the Council’s Long-Term Plan, Mr Green said.
“I know we need to develop a stronger sense of kotahitanga – working together as one, across all our activities. To help with this, we all need to understand our ‘why’ – the purpose that underlies who we are, and what we do. There is a need for transformative change across all levels of the organisation, if we are to succeed, and this is recognised among many of the staff,” he said.
The review aims to improve the organisation's structure and way of working, delivering better outcomes for the community, and aligning more closely with the Council’s overall vision and priorities for New Plymouth district.
“I am focused on implementing positive changes based on findings from the review. This is an organisation with great people, serving a vibrant community and district. We love what we do and have built a district that is blessed with wonderful community assets, to the extent that we are the envy of many around the country.”
At present there are 655 FTE (full time equivalent) staff at NPDC across the entire organisation.
The organisational review is in the initial stages and principally focuses the top two tiers which are predominately leadership and management; looking at a move from 49 to 36 FTE’s. This may change following the consultation period.
Any staff affected would be the first to know. Outcomes of the review will be implemented across September and October.
Page last updated: 10:21am Thu 03 August 2023