Holiday period opening hours
Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours.
Fat and rags lead to wastewater overflow
An overflow of wastewater into a New Plymouth stream yesterday was caused by fat and rags blocking a pipe. The overflow from a manhole on Roto Street started at 11am yesterday and ceased two hours later, with wastewater reaching the Mangaotuku Stream.
NPDC has sanitised the site and erected warning signs against swimming and collecting kai.
We’re sorry this has occurred and we’ve been in touch with iwi and hapū, Taranaki Regional Council, the local health authority and other recreational users.
Keep up with the latest information on the Can I Swim page on our website.
You can help prevent similar blockages in our wastewater system:
We are investing $248m over 10 years to fix the district’s plumbing.
Page last updated: 08:31pm Mon 05 September 2022