Holiday period opening hours
Over the holiday season, some of our facilities will be closed or have reduced hours.
An overflow of sewage into New Plymouth’s Huatoki Stream on Saturday was caused by a blockage of fat and wet-wipes.
The discharge from a manhole off the end of Lynton Street stopped at 6pm on Saturday. The site has been cleaned and sanitised by NPDC.
We’re sorry this has occurred and we’ve been in touch with iwi and hapū, Taranaki Regional Council, the local health authority and other recreational users.
Warnings to not swim or collect kai have been erected at affected water bodies. The location of signage and other current water quality warnings can be viewed on Council’s Can I Swim Webpage.
You can help prevent blockages like these by putting wet-wipes in your red-topped landfill bin and not washing food fat/grease down the sink. Instead, please cool the fat and wrap it in newspaper, then pop it in your food scraps bin.
We are investing $248m over 10 years to fix the district’s plumbing.
Page last updated: 12:40am Mon 07 November 2022