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Heavy rain cause overflow

Lifestyle Local News Public Notice

Heavy rain cause overflow

Heavy rain caused stormwater and some partially treated wastewater from the Inglewood oxidation ponds to overflow into the Kurapete Stream today (Thursday).

As a precaution warning signs have been installed at Manganui Stream at Everett Park advising no swimming for the next 48 hours.

There was also a small overflow of unchlorinated clarified water from the New Plymouth Wastewater Treatment Plant on Friday 3 June, which may have made it into a tributary of the Waiwhakaiho River.

While unlikely, warning signs were put up advising people not to swim for 48 hours in affected areas. No shellfish gathering signage is already in place at potentially affected areas.

We’re sorry these have occurred and as with all overflows, we’ve been in touch with iwi and hapū, Taranaki Regional Council, the Taranaki District Health Board and other recreational users.

Keep up with the latest information on the Can I Swim page on our website.