Rags cause wastewater discharge at sea

Local News Public Notice

Rags cause wastewater discharge at sea

  • Rags blocking an inlet at the New Plymouth Waste Water Treatment Plant has resulted in a discharge of partially treated wastewater at sea.
  • The discharge from the marine outfall pipe, offshore from the Waiwhakaiho River, did not meet consent conditions.
  • The discharge started at 9.52am Friday and stopped at 10.40am.
  • Warnings to not swim have been displayed on the permanent signs on both sides of the Waiwhakaiho River mouth and at Bell Block Beach and will be in place for 48 hours.
  • We’re sorry this has occurred and we’ve been in touch with iwi and hapū, Taranaki Regional Council, the local health authority and other recreational users.
  • Keep up with the latest information on the Can I Swim page on our website.
  • We are investing $248m over 10 years to fix the district’s plumbing.