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Māori Ward Approved

Local News Our Work People

Key decisions from today's full council meeting.

Māori Ward

Emotion was running high in the chamber this afternoon as Councillors voted to establish a Māori ward, following a number of deputations on the issue in front of a large crowd. Under local government rules, Council has to review its makeup every six years.

For full details, read the Consideration of a Māori Ward report

Plastics problem

The issue of what to do with certain types of plastics is a national and global problem. Plastics are rated from 1-7 and worldwide market changes mean only plastics 1, 2 and 5 - things like milk containers and coke bottles - can now be recycled. So we have agreed to stop collecting plastics type 3, 4, 6, and 7 from the yellow bins and are urging everyone to not buy these products. The start date for the changes is still being worked out. 

Maintaining urupā

Urupā, or Māori burial grounds, in the district will now be eligible for funding to help with their upkeep. Councillors passed the Manaaki Urupā Grant which will have $50,000 a year to help owners or trustees to help with maintenance.  This decision puts urupā on the same footing as the District’s four rural cemeteries.