Roosters out, good night's sleep in - NPDC bylaw proposal

Local News

Roosters in urban areas of the New Plymouth District may have crowed their last crow. 

A proposed change to the NPDC bylaw on animals will mean the end of fowl play by raucous roosters, if adopted.

The proposed new rules are going out for public feedback after being approved by the Strategy and Operations Committee today and could mean there will no longer be any honks or screams from belligerent birds with urban residents no longer allowed to keep ganders or peacocks. 

“Most councils in NZ have banned roosters from urban areas and we’ve had feedback from our residents that they don’t want roosters in urban areas,” says NPDC External Relations Manager Jacqueline Baker. “We’ve listened to this and proposed some changes to the bylaw. There’s a lot of stress linked to a loud, early-morning crow and we think this change will help many people to get a good night’s sleep.”

The previous bylaw allowed roosters to be kept unless an animal control officer declared it a nuisance.

Other proposed updates in the bylaw include a limit of three cats and kittens per household, down from five in the previous bylaw, and a change to the rules around keeping beehives, so that the number allowed on a property is proportionate to the property size.

The bylaw will be available to read, and feedback on from 1 Feb.