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Unite Taranaki with thank you signs

Local News

The votes are in for how we can Unite Taranaki and it’s clear our region’s essential workers are number one, as lockdown continues.

Taranaki is coming together like never before to help smash Covid-19 and beat a nationwide lockdown.

Making thank you signs for essential for workers such as nurses, supermarket workers, medical staff, rubbish collectors and water technicians, was the winner in a poll of options to help Unite Taranaki, receiving about 280 votes from close to 800 cast.  The next most popular options were putting Christmas lights up early and making chalk art on driveways, each with about 200 votes. The final option, painting letterboxes amber and black received about 120 votes. Other ideas received included an Easter egg hunt, supporting Anzacs by promoting gatherings on our lawns with torches on Anzac Day and running a non-perishable food collection service.

New Plymouth District Mayor Neil Holdom is asking people to show their gratitude with signs on their fences, lawns and windows for the workers to see.

“These essential workers are our everyday heroes and our signs will show the rest of New Zealand,  how Taranaki is hanging tough together to help smash Covid 19.  Creating thank you artwork for essential workers is a great activity to keep busy, get imaginative and to share Taranaki’s values with the world.”

The Unite Taranaki campaign has the backing of all four councils in the province as well as the Taranaki Emergency Management Office.

Once your sign is finished and on display, share it using #UniteTaranaki, and we’ll help spread it far and wide so all our essential workers can see them, even ones who aren’t on your street.