The Council makes decisions for and on behalf of the local community and sets the district’s overall strategic direction.
Operating under the Local Government Act 2002 (which provides the general framework for local government) and through consultation with the community, the Council seeks to meet the current and future needs of the district’s communities for good-quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions.
Every three years the Mayor, 14 councillors and 20 community board members are elected by the district’s enrolled voters.
The Chief Executive and approximately 530 full time equivalent staff provide advice and information to the elected members and the public, implement Council decisions and manage the district’s day-to-day operations.
This includes everything from maintaining more than 110 parks and reserves, wastewater management and issuing consents and permits, through to providing libraries and other recreational services and ensuring the district’s eateries meet health standards.
The Council makes decisions for an on behalf of the local community and sets the district's overall strategic direction.
Represent the interests of their local community, consider and report on matters referred to them by the Council and maintain an overview of services to the community.
Strategy and Operations: Ensures Council members are aware of strategic matters, makes decisions or cascades information and decision-making to other boards and committees as required.
Te Huinga Taumatua: Provides strategic guidance and advice to the Council on matters of importance to Māori, and improve Māori participation in decision-making.
Finance, Risk and Risk: Assists Council in fulfilling its governance, risk management and control objectives and provides advice around financial management.
CCOs: Communicates priorities and strategic outcomes to NPDC's CCOs, and monitors their performance.
Strategic Projects: Monitors, considers and makes recommendations to Council regarding strategic projects. Strategic projects include those with high public interest, significant financial implications or risk.
C.E. Performance Review: Discusses, reviews and measures the performance of the Chief Executive against approved objectives.
Community Funding and Investment: Implements and administers funding schemes operated by NPDC or administered on behalf of other agencies.
District Licencing: Deals with licencing matters for the district in relation to the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 and the District Licencing Committee Administration Policy.
Len Lye Committee: Gives formal structure to the relationship between the Council and the Len lye Foundation.
Stadium Taranaki Joint Committee: Includes members from the TRC. Responsible for the development of the asset management plan and long-term development and major maintenance programme and associated annual budgets.
Age and Accessibility: Monitors Council policies relating to accessibility and aged issues, and advocates to the Council on these issues.
Rewa Rewa Agreement: Will draft terms of reference to allow the working party to meet the requirements of the agreement regarding Rewa Rewa Reserve.
The District Plan and the Long-Term Plan (LTP) are the two major planning documents which the Council produces.
The District Plan is the primary document for the sustainable management of the effects of land use and development within New Plymouth District.
The Long-Term Plan (LTP) is a 10-year plan which reflects the Council’s work on behalf of the community through the allocation of funding for council services, projects and programmes. It links to other plans and strategies, including our activity management and asset management plans. The LTP is produced every three years.
The vision and community outcomes articulate the Council’s strategic direction and the priorities that give effect to this. They sit at the heart of the Council’s strategic framework and assist the organisation’s move towards a more integrated and aligned approach to planning, policy and strategy.
The vision and community outcomes are reflected in the Long-Term Plan and an integrated strategic framework. They are translated into goals and actions across the Council organisation so that they are truly reflected in how the Council delivers its activities.
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Page last updated: 08:01am Sat 08 March 2025