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Ngā tohu pōtitanga

Election signs

The New Plymouth District Plan rules relating to signage have changed.

Election signage, for the 2025 election, can only be erected 9 weeks before the election (after 9 August 2025).  Election signage must be removed no later than Sunday 12 October 2025 (the day after the election).

Council policy on election signs

Key message

Election signage requirements are set out in the:

  • New Plymouth Proposed District Plan
  • NPDC Bylaw Part 7 Signs
  • Election Hoardings on Council-owned Property Policy.

These are summarised below and candidates should familiarise themselves with these requirements. Election signs are permitted 9 weeks before the election (after Saturday 9 August 2025) on private property only and must be removed one day after the election (by Sunday 12 October 2025).

Election signs

There are some limitations on the erection and placement of election signage.

No election signage is permitted in or above public areas. This includes reserves, roads, footpaths, berms and state highways. Election signage cannot be fixed to utility poles or other structures on public land, including vehicles and trailers.

Infringement fines may apply for non-compliance.

Any signage relating to candidates or their messaging not deemed to be ‘Election signage’ will be classified as a third party sign which is restricted in all zones except for the City and Town Centre Zones.

Duration of display

(Note: different rules apply for Parliamentary General Elections.)

Maximum of 9 weeks display (after Saturday 9 August 2025). Must be removed within one day after the election date (by Sunday 12 October 2025).

Requirements for signs erected on or adjacent to a road or railway

All signs erected on or adjacent to a road or railway must not:

  1. project over the road or be located within a transport corridor;
  2. obstruct the line of sight of any corner, bend, intersection or vehicle or rail crossing;
  3. obstruct, obscure or impair the view of any traffic or railway sign or signal;
  4. physically obstruct or impede traffic, trains or pedestrians;
  5. resemble or be likely to be confused with any traffic sign or signal; and
  6. contain any flashing or revolving lights.

Requirements of election signs (Placement and sizes)

Within a Commercial and Mixed Use Zone or General Industrial Zone:

  1. Maximum number of signs per site: one;
  2. The sign must be either freestanding or affixed to a building;
  3. Maximum sign face area: 5m2; and
  4. Maximum height above ground level: 4m.

Within all other zones:

  1. Maximum number of signs per site: one;
  2. The sign must be either freestanding or affixed to a building;
  3. Maximum sign face area: 3m2; and
  4. Maximum height above ground level: 4m.

Lettering size on signs

Please check below for lettering size restrictions. Note that the height will be taken from the Uppercase lettering as long as the lowercase lettering is the same font size.

Signs placed within the following speed zones need to have the following minimum lettering height

  • 0-50km/hr: main message 150mm; secondary message 75mm
  • 51-70km/hr: main message 200mm; secondary message 100mm
  • 71-80km/hr: main message 250mm; secondary message 125mm
  • 81-100km/hr: main message 300mm; secondary message 150mm

Proximity of signs

Please check table below for distance between signage

Signs placed in the following speed zones must have a distance between signs:

  • 0-50km/hr: separation distance 50m
  • 51-70km/hr: separation distance 60m
  • 71-80km/hr: separation distance 70m
  • 81-100km/hr: separation distance 80m

Lighting/moving parts

All internal illumination or external lighting of a sign must:

  1. not exceed a luminance of 800cds/m2 between dusk and dawn;
  2. be designed to reduce any glare or direct view of the light source when viewed by an observer at ground level 2m or more away from the sign; and
  3. not use an upwardly facing light source.

Building consent

Usually required if the sign structure exceeds:

  • 3 metres (in height); and/or
  • 6m2 (in area).

Mounted signs on vehicles including trailers

You can mount signs on vehicles (including trailers) and then leave them parked on private property as long as they are not visible from a public place (Reserves) or a state highway.

What election signs must contain

A statement of the person(s) who have approved the sign providing an address of their residence or business.

Where the sign provides an endorsement of a candidate, the sign must also state the name of an organisation or body endorsing the candidate the advertisement and the address of the place of business of that organisation or body.

The statement(s) are exempt from the lettering sizes stated above.

What election signs can’t contain

You cannot copy the form, colours, shape or messages of any official signs.

Other matters

Other district plan rules may apply. Please contact the council if you have queries not covered by the matters above.

Signage Information