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As tangata whenua, six iwi and their respective hapū exercise mana whenua over traditionally defined areas across the New Plymouth District.
The South Taranaki iwi of Ngāruahine, together with Ngāti Maniapoto also have overlapping Treaty of Waitangi Settlement interests within the southern and northern boundaries of the district.
On 6 March 2018, the census recorded 80,679 people living in the New Plymouth District. Of this number, 14,370 or 17.8 percent identified as Māori. This compares with 11,082 (15.7 percent) in the 2013 Census and 9,369 (14.1 percent) in the 2006 Census.
The 2018 Census figure of 17.8 percent is 2.4 percent higher than the national average, where those identifying as Māori accounted for 15.4 percent (744,800) of the total population (4,840,600).
With this ongoing upward trend in the growth of the Māori population in New Plymouth, an average median age of 24.8 years (compared to 40.6 years for the district), and the increasing contribution and participation of Iwi in local and regional economies, it is critical that we look at ways to increase capability and support Māori participation in our decision-making systems and processes.
Iwi | Pop. (Census 2013) |
Hapū | Mandated Representative Body | |
Ngāti Maniapoto |
35,358 |
Ngāti Rākei Ngāti Rungaterangi Ngāti Rora |
Maniapoto Māori Trust Board |
Ngāti Tama |
1,338 |
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama |
Ngāti Mutunga |
2,514 |
Ngāti Okiokinga Te Kekerewai Ngāti Aurutu Ngāti Hinetuhi |
Kaitangata Ngāti Kura Ngāti Uenuku Ngāti Tupawhenua or Ngāti Tū |
Te Runanga o Ngāti Mutunga |
Ngāti Maru |
852 |
Ngāti Hinemokai Ngāti Rongonui Ngāti Kopua Ngāti Tamatapu |
Ngariki Ngāti Kui Ngāti Te Ika Ngāti Tamakehu |
Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Maru Taranaki Trust |
Te Atiawa |
15,273 |
Otaraua Manukorihi Ngāti Tuparikino Ngāti Rahiri |
Pukerangiora Puketapu Ngāti Tawhirikura Ngāti Te Whiti |
Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa |
Taranaki Iwi |
6,087 |
Ngāti Tairi Ngā Mahanga |
Te Kāhui o Taranaki Iwi |
The Significance and Engagement Policy sets out how NPDC will work out the significance of an issue, proposal, decision or other matter, and the extent of engagement required with Iwi-Māori and identified key stakeholders. This ensures a consistent approach to taking into account Māori contributions to Council’s decision-making by:
Providing opportunities for Māori to contribute to our decision-making process in a meaningful way.
Summarised below, the Local Government Act 2002 and Resource Management Act 1991 are the key pieces of legislation, which requires us to support Māori participation in our decision-making processes.
Under the Local Government Act 2002 (the LGA), we are specifically required to:
Section 82(1) of the LGA also details a set of principles for consultation, with section 82(2) specifically requiring us to have in place processes for consulting with Māori.
Council is obliged under the Resource Management Act 1991 (the RMA) to:
As part of developing plans, we are also required under the RMA to:
iii) consult with those iwi authorities;
In addition, requirements for consultation with iwi authorities also appear in Treaty of Waitangi settlements, and are beginning to appear under the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011.
To ensure compliance with its statutory obligations, we have in place a range of mechanisms to support Māori in contibuting to Council decision-making, which are summarised below.
Te Nehenehenui (TNN) is the Post-Settlement Governance Entity (PSGE) on behalf of Maniapoto (inclusive of all within Te Nehenehenui). The PSGE is responsible for receiving our Treaty settlement redress from the Crown, including but not limited to, distributing benefits to whānau, managing affairs or borrowing/investing money for the benefit of our people and managing it on behalf of and for the benefit of Maniapoto whānau.
Authorised voice: Te Nehenehenui
Physical address: 49 Taupiri St, Te Kuiti 3910
Postal address: PO Box 36, Te Kuiti 3941
Chief Executive Officer: Bella Takiari-Brame
Phone: 07 878 6234; 0800 668 285
Mokau ki Runga Regional Management Committee (RMC)
Chairperson: William Wetere
MMTB representative: Muiora Barry
Ngāti Tama are the descendants of the Tokomaru waka and historically maintained the northern Taranaki border. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama, the mandated authority, advocates for the wellbeing of our people, whenua and environment.
Authorised voice: Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama
Address:Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Tama, PO Box 143, Waitara.
Chairperson: Frances White
Marae: Pukearuhe Marae
Ngāti Mutunga is a coastal iwi located in North Taranaki with neighbours Ngāti Tama in the north, Ngāti Maru in the east, and Te Atiawa in the south. Mimi, Urenui and Onaero are some of the rivers in their rohe, which also held the very well-known pā of Okoki that is today an historical site and burial place of one of their most famous sons, Te Rangihiroa (or Sir Peter Buck).
Their marae at Urenui is situated on the main road just north of the township.
The tupuna of the iwi, after whom they are named, was said to be Mutunga (the last), who was the last son of his parents and thus received this name.
Ngāti Mutunga is one of eight generally recognised iwi of Taranaki.
Authorised voice: Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga
Physical address: 6 Ngatoki Street, Urenui 4349
Postal address: PO Box 32, Urenui 4349
Chairperson: Jamie Tuuta
Phone: 06 752 3247
Marae: Urenui Pā
The iwi of Te Atiawa takes their tribal name from Te Awa-nui-ā-rangi.
This iwi has a number of hapū affiliated to it: Ngāti Rahiri, Otaraua, Pukerangiora, Puketapu, Ngāti Tawhirikura, Manukorihi, Ngāti Tuparikino, Ngāti Te Whiti and Hamua.
The rohe of Te Atiawa extends from Te Rau o Te Huia along the coast to the Herekawe Stream, inland to Tahuna Tutawa, east to Whakangerengere, northeast to Taramoukou, and north back to Te Rau o Te Huia. A branch of this iwi migrated to Wellington in the early 19th century and still resides there.
The area of interest encompasses part of Taranaki Mounga and Te Papakura o Taranaki. and overlaps with Ngāti Mutunga (north-east), Ngāti Maru (east), Ngāti Ruanui (south), Ngāruahine (south) and Taranaki Iwi (west).
* Wording taken from the Deed of Settlement between the Crown and Te Atiawa summary.
Authorised voice: Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust (Te Kotahitanga)
Postal Address: PO Box 1097, Taranaki Mail Centre, New Plymouth 4340
Office: 19 Eliot Street, New Plymouth
Chairperson: Liana Poutū
Pouwhakahaere: Dion Tuuta
Deputy Chair: Damon Ritai
Phone: 06 758 4685
This inland iwi is situated between the Taranaki iwi of Ngāti Mutunga and Te Atiawa in the west, the iwi of Whanganui in the east, Ngāti Haaua to the north, and Ngāti Ruanui in the south. The Waitara valley is generally considered part of the rohe along with the upper reaches of the Waitara River. The settlements of Tarata and Purangi are also within their rohe.
The full name of the iwi is Ngāti Maru-whara-nui, derived from the ancestor named Maru-whara-nui and not to be confused with the Ngāti Maru iwi of the Thames area. The home of the iwi today is Te Upoko o te Whenua Marae (also known as Pukehou or Tarata Marae) near Tarata, and the Ngāti Maru Pukehou Trust is the mandated voice of the iwi.
Authorised voice: Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Maru Trust
Postal address: PO Box 202, Inglewood 4347
Physical address: 1 Young Street, New Plymouth, 4310
Chairperson: Holden Hohaia
Deputy Chair: Tamzyn Rose-Pue
Phone: 06-757 2766
Pou Whakahaere-CEO: Anaru Marshall
Marae: Te Upoko O Te Whenua Marae (Tarata)
Although the tribal rohe of Taranaki iwi is large, incorporating most of the coastal area from New Plymouth to Opunake, there are only two hapū who reside in New Plymouth District: Ngāti Tairi and Ngā Māhanga. They have a collective voice of Te Kotahitanga o Ngā Māhanga Ā Tairi Society Incorporated.
The rohe of Taranaki Iwi extends along the coastal and mountain area between Ōuri and the Rāwa o Turi stream in the south and Ōnukutaipari in the north.
Taranaki Iwi interests also extend inland to Te Whakangerengere on the northeastern flank of the mountain, up the Waipuku stream to Te Tahuna o Tūtawa (Warwicks Castle), over to Panitahi (Fanthams Peak) and down to Mangoraukawa (Lake Dive) and the source of the Ōuri stream. It then follows the Ōuri stream water course towards the coast, with a deviation to the headwaters of the Rāwa o Turi stream to the boundary stone of Matirawhati at its mouth.
*Wording from the Deed of Settlement summary between the Crown and Taranaki Iwi.
Authorised voice: Te Kāhui o Taranaki Trust
Physical Address: 1 Young Street, New Plymouth 4310
Postal Address: PO Box 929, Taranaki Mail Centre, New Plymouth 4310
Chairperson: Jacqui King
Phone: 06 763 8242
Tumuwhakarito/CEO: Wharehoka Wano
Phone: 06-751 4285 or 0800 835 2484
Office Administrator: Marama Witihira
Ngāti Tairi
Physical Address: 13 Cumming Street, Okato 4335
Chairperson: Keith Manukonga
Ngāti Hamua Te Matehou
Physical Address: 67 Marama Crescent, New Plymouth
Contact: Mrs M Avery
Address: 33 Queen Street, Waitara 4320
Chairperson: Mawhaturia White
Office email:
Phone: 06 754 3127
Chairperson: Peter Priest
Secretary/Treasurer: Kura Denness
Phone: 027 254 4540
Postal Address: PO Box 132, Waitara
Secretary: Maikara Tapuke
Physical address: 5 Hume St, Waitara 4320
Chairperson: Bev Gibson
Phone: 027 754 8768
Postal address: PO Box 304, New Plymouth 4340
Chairperson: Julie Healey
Phone: 027 710 1961
Chairperson: Kahu Taiaroa Healey
Secretary: Linda McCullough
Physical address: 8 Warre Street, Waitara
Chairperson: David Doorbar
Manager: Donna Eriwata
Phone: 06 754 8299 or 027 734 5209
Chairperson: Anaru White
Secretary: Jacqui Lichtwark
Postal address: PO Box 255, Waitara 4346
Chairperson: Theresa Patu
Secretary: Fern Brand
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