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Mana whenua

As tangata whenua, six iwi and their respective hapū exercise mana whenua over traditionally defined areas across the New Plymouth District.

The South Taranaki iwi of Ngāruahine, together with Ngāti Maniapoto also have overlapping Treaty of Waitangi Settlement interests within the southern and northern boundaries of the district.

Māori in the New Plymouth District

On 6 March 2018, the census recorded 80,679 people living in the New Plymouth District. Of this number, 14,370 or 17.8 percent identified as Māori. This compares with 11,082 (15.7 percent) in the 2013 Census and 9,369 (14.1 percent) in the 2006 Census.

The 2018 Census figure of 17.8 percent is 2.4 percent higher than the national average, where those identifying as Māori accounted for 15.4 percent (744,800) of the total population (4,840,600).

With this ongoing upward trend in the growth of the Māori population in New Plymouth, an average median age of 24.8 years (compared to 40.6 years for the district), and the increasing contribution and participation of Iwi in local and regional economies, it is critical that we look at ways to increase capability and support Māori participation in our decision-making systems and processes.


How NPDC works with the Māori community

Significance and Engagement Policy

The Significance and Engagement Policy sets out how NPDC will work out the significance of an issue, proposal, decision or other matter, and the extent of engagement required with Iwi-Māori and identified key stakeholders. This ensures a consistent approach to taking into account Māori contributions to Council’s decision-making by:

Providing opportunities for Māori to contribute to our decision-making process in a meaningful way.

  • Engaging with Māori where any matter involving a significant decision affecting the relationship of Māori and their culture and traditions with their ancestral land, water, sites, waahi tapu, valued flora and fauna and other taonga; and
  • Considering specifically engaging with Māori on other matters as they arise.



Summarised below, the Local Government Act 2002 and Resource Management Act 1991 are the key pieces of legislation, which requires us to support Māori participation in our decision-making processes.



Te Atiawa hapu