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NPDC’s educational resources provide teachers with activities and resource material for students studying drinking water, wastewater or stormwater in the New Plymouth District.
He Puna Wai Three Waters Education, is an integrated-curriculum teaching resource with water in New Plymouth District as a context for teaching and learning. The resource links to the New Zealand Curriculum levels 1-4 and has been developed for primary school students and teachers (Years 1-8). It can easily be adapted for early childhood and secondary level learning as well.
The resource is based on current Environmental Education for Sustainability (EEfS) understandings and follows the Guidelines for Environmental Education in New Zealand (Ministry of Education, 1999).
To make the resource easy to use we have separated it into eight sections and an introduction. You can download an education resource for each section, and posters and a presentation for some of the sections.
This brochure helps kids learn all about drinking water, where water comes from, how it gets treated, water usage and helpful tips to conserve water. The brochure includes activities for kids to get them motivated about saving water.
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Page last updated: 10:56am Mon 29 April 2024