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Predator-Free Programme

Help restore native birdsong back to the streets of New Plymouth.

Can you help check traps in a local park or walkway? Or lead the efforts in your neighbourhood? We'd love to hear from you.

  • Stay active.
  • Get in the bush.
  • Give back to the community.
  • Be part of the community restoring native plants and wildlife to urban areas.
Laura trapping.

About the programme

NPDC runs the urban trapping programme for the city’s urban parks and green spaces. Launched in May 2018, this programme is a segment of the wider "Towards Predator-Free Taranaki" project run by Taranaki Regional Council that aims to make Taranaki the first predator-free region in New Zealand. To support this goal, NPDC has more than 2500 traps in public parks, reserves and walkways with more than 100 volunteers checking and rebaiting these on a fortnightly basis. All volunteers are supplied with the gear required to check and rebait traps and are inducted and supported by our Volunteer Officer.

“It’s great to be working with the community, caring for our environment.”

“People are very keen to help protect our native plants and wildlife, especially areas near their own homes.”

“The more volunteers we have, the faster we’ll see more native wildlife and healthier plants as we work towards a Predator-Free Taranaki.”

A word from our volunteers

Volunteer for NPDC's urban predator-free programme

If you’re interested in volunteering, or would like to find out more, give our friendly Parks volunteer officer Jenaya a call on 06 759 6060, email, or fill out the form below.

Volunteer profiles
