Our vision for New Plymouth District is to build a Sustainable Lifestyle Capital. We have five community goals that will help us achieve this.
Climate change has altered the way we think about our future. We’re committed to an urgent climate response and building a sustainable district.
We’re upgrading our parking machines and moving to new pay by plate parking meters.
Details on what's changing and FAQs.
Not sure which bin to put out this week? Check our handy recycling and rubbish day search.
Your bin collection scheduleTemporary Road Closure - Ngaio Street, new Plymouth, from 7pm to 6am, Sunday 30 March to Wednesday 2 April 2025.
Asphalt works
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Ngaio Street (from SH3 to Kowhai Street) be closed to all traffic…
Temporary Road Closure - Brooklands Road, from 7pm to 7am, Monday 24 March and Tuesday 25 March
Sealing – Night works
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Brooklands Road be closed to all traffic from 7pm to 7am,…
Temporary Road Closure - Browne Street Waitara, from 8am to 5pm, Tuesday 25 March to Thursday 27 March 2025.
Tree Maintenance
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that Browne Street (between Parris and McLean Streets) be closed to…
Temporary Road Closure - Intersection at Elliot and Bayly Streets closed, from 7am Monday 24 march to 6pm Monday 21 April 2025
Stormwater and Water main works
Accordingly, in terms of Section 342(1)(b) of the Local Government Act 1974 the Council directs that the intersection at Elliot and Bayly Streets, W…
The Fernery and Display Houses in Pukekura Park is the perfect place to leave the world behind. Wander through earth tunnels to each house and explore the more than 50,000 plants in our collection.